The Attack Of The Shadows

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I tapped my pencil eraser impatiently against my desk as I counted down the minutes until school was over. I wanted to visit the Underground, the times I had visited through the duration of the school year added up to only a month and i'm sure they wanted to see me as much as I wanted to see them. It was the last day of my seventh grade year and I was 13 now, but basically I just wanted to get out of the chaos in the classroom. Paper planes were flying around the room, every now and then one would crash into my head, a beach ball was being thrown around the room and the teacher looked like he was about to pull his hair out. "You seem awfully anxious to leave. Whats the occasion?" Kaitrine asked bumping my elbow with her own, "Nothing. I just want to get out of this--duck!" I shouted suddenly pulling Kaitrine under the desk with me as a basketball, beach ball, volleyball and several pencils came flying to the desks where we were, "Chaos." We both finished coming up to our desks again. Three minutes I thought looking at the clock tapping my eraser against my desk again. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I stopped tapping to look at the clock, Two, ONE! I thought and right on time the bell rang, slinging my small bag over my shoulder I waited for the stampede of teens to rush by, after they thinned out I pulled my buzzing phone out of my pocket and held it up to my ear without a backward glance at the classroom as I walked towards the back of the school. "Hello?" I called into the phone, "Hey punk, you have to get here NOW!" The voice on the other end roared, I held my phone away from my ear for a second and then pulled it back, "I'm headed there now. Undyne, whats going on?" I asked my heart clenched with fear and my hand instinctively shot up to my left cheek tracing the scar left by Chara's blade the last time we met, "WERE UNDER ATTACK!" Undyne shouted and then static, "Undyne!" I tried before hanging up and started pacing. My heart shaped locket bounced on my chest happily with every step I took, I stopped pacing, grabbed the locket and flipped the catch staring at the picture inside. Sans and I were back to back his hands in his pockets, mine folded against my chest, Undyne standing just behind me her spear flung across both shoulders, Alphys standing next to Undyne with a timid smile, Papyrus standing behind Kaitrine just a step away from Sans with his hands outstretched and Kaitrine in front of Papyrus smiling with her hands open palms up in a "what can you do" shrug. The other side of the heart locket was scrawled with the words Best Friends Forever. I sighed and shut the locket gently, it locked with a small kink and I turned around starting to walk to the back of the school again, when I noticed for the first time the tap of footsteps behind me. I turned slowly and found Kaitrine standing behind me, her arms crossed across her chest and a bitter look on her face, "I'm coming with you," She said as I opened my mouth, "No matter where your going." I sighed in defeat and beckoned her after me. I knew this would happen sooner or later, I reminded myself as I came up to the tree. I quickly grabbed Kait's arm and layed my open palm on the dark bark of the old oak tree, as usual it fazed through and I went tumbling into the darkness of the tree with Kaitrine in tow. I awoke within a second, my grey shirt had been replaced with my light blue, purple-striped sweater, my black leggings had been replaced by my overalls and my black high-top convers had stayed the same. I quickly jumped up and looked around for Kaitrine, when I saw her my jaw dropped, her metalic orange hair was down and straight like always but she was wearing a metalic orange shirt underneath a half zipped black leather jacket, her leggings had changed into light blue ripped jeans and her grey, black stripped shoes had stayed the same. "What the hell happened to me?" She asked standing up and rubbing her head, I snapped out of my trance, "I'll explain later." I said hurriedly grabbing her hand, "Wait! Your not going to drag me into a tree again are you?" She asked, I shook my head no with my eyes closed and snapped them open again, we fazed in and out of existence several times and Kaitrine yelped the first few times but after a few seconds we teleported. I must have been off because Kait and I ended up sliding on our backs down the snowbank near the entrance of Snowdin, I scrambled up and ran to the little town with Kaitrine on my heals. I stopped dead in my tracks as I got to the sign that said "Welcome to Snowdin!" In large white letters, with my mouth gaped open. Shadow Soldiers were fighting anyone visible, a few minors were fighting Grillby, Beta was fighting Undyne, Gama was fighting Papyrus and a few new shadows were fighting any townspeople they could find. I growled deep in my throat and rolled up my sleeves to my elbows, "Wait here." I said to Kaitrine through gritted teeth and took off before she could argue. I whistled at the two minors fighting Grillby, "Hey fellas." I said before shooting the light I had gathered in my fingertips at them, they shrieked and evaporated, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Crys!" Grillby cried before rushing back to his restaurant, a few of the newer shadows had stopped to stare and I glared at them, they immediately stopped what they were doing and shrieked before teleporting away. I smiled at myself when I heard a shout, I whipped around to look at where Gama was fighting Papyrus and gasped Papyrus was on the ground covering his head with his arms, Gama had a sword poised and ready to strike. I growled again and used my super speed to rush over and tackled Gama onto the ground before flipping into an upright position melting his sword in the process, "No one gets near Papyrus! Got that!" I growled at him, Gama nodded and teleported away, I rolled my eyes and turned around to help Papyrus up, he gladly took my outstretched hand and hugged me in either greeting or relief, either way I hugged him back for a moment before turning and bolting to Undyne. Her spear was laying on the snow just a little ways away from where she was fighting Beta, I scooped it up as I ran by and swung it striking Beta in the back of the head with the blunt end, he fell with a muffled thump in the snow. Undyne pulled me under her arm and gave me a noogie, "Its about time!" She shouted at me before letting me go, "Where's Sans?" I asked, "Wait where's General Shade?!" Undyne rubbed the back of her neck and pointed towards the heart of Snowdin, I groaned and snapped my fingers, with a small thump Beta was teleported and I was running to the heart of Snowdin with Undyne, Papyrus and most likely Kaitrine right behind me. After a minute of running I skidded to a halt my mouth gaped open, Sans was down on one knee cluching his midsection, while General Shade was holding his sword with a smug expression, the tip of his sword was stained red. I growled and felt fire flicker in my eyes, I heard Undyne whistle and Papyrus yelp which probably ment my fire power kicked in, it always did when I was angry. I smoothed my hair extinguishing the fire in it and walked quietly over to Shade my hands balled into fists, I tapped him lightly on the shoulder and he turned around with a grunt, "Hey General, long time no see," I said before punching him in the face sending him flying backwards into a few boxes, "Be glad I'm merciful." I said standing over him, "I thought you could never hurt anyone." Shade grunted, "You guys are only shadows. No emotions. No blood. No mercy. No problem," I was down at his eye level in a heartbeat, "Get near my family again, and I wont hold back next time." I growled, he nodded and teleported leaving a whisper of smoke behind. I jumped up as fast as I could, my ferocious instinct gone within the instant, and rushed over to Sans skidding the last foot on my knees. "You okay?" I whispered helping him stand, "Eh, forgeddabout it. Im fine." He said smiling at me, "Your a bad lier, brother." Papyrus said walking over to Sans, helping me help his brother stand, "Ya. Freak me out again and Shade wont be the one turning you red." Undyne said walking over and punching Sans in the shoulder. I looked down at the red stain on his white t-shirt, his hand was over most of it so I couldn't see the major wound, I held my open palm so it was just hovering over Sans's hand and started healing him. Heh that bad huh? He thought, Just be glad I'm here to heal you, ya' bonehead. I thought back, transmiting my thoughts to him, he laughed and I smiled, I was almost done healing him so I decided to focus on one power, I collapsed my mind reading back into its dormant stage but I thought I heard one last thought, I'm always glad your here. I was confused but I finished healing his cut, he smiled gratefully at me and I smiled back, "OKAY!" Kaitrine bellowed from her spot just a bit away from us, Oops, I just used my powers in front of Kait. I groaned and facepalmed before looking up again, "You've got some explaining to do Kierstin!"

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