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Sorry guys, I'm not used to writing Afterdeath, so. The chapters may be a little short for now.

**Geno's POV**

I'm sitting in the. .void thing. As always. The kid is drifting in and out of this world, fighting against that demon child. I know it's not their fault.

But im still dying here.

The resets. The different routes. The memories. The deaths.

Its too much for everyone, really. Having to relive and rethink these tragedies? Its awful.

Even so, none of us show it. Especially me. I just sit here, and try and talk to the kid. While half-existing, and bleeding. A lot. As well as melting. It sucks.

"Kid? You. .you okay?" This is our daily routine. I ask. They don't reply. If they do, they shrug. If they shrug, i stare off into the distance and agree. If they don't reply, i shut up. Today, however.

*Sans. .how did we get stuck here?

I was surprised. The kid. .the kid finally said something. Or rather, sign language. But. .

"Kiddo. .you know the answer to that. ." I glanced towards them with a solemn look.

*But its not their fault!

Chara. It is Chara's fault. .or is it Frisks? It doesn't matter anymore. Not like we are getting out of here anytime soon. Ever, really.

"It doesn't matter. Cm'ere." I hugged them.


"Eh? Kiddo, whats wrong."

They gestured to my eye.

"Oh, right." I covered it with more white pixels. "There. Happy?"

They nodded, wary.

*Sans. .? Could we. .be happy?

"What d'ya mean, kiddo?" ...whats going on. .

*I mean. .be happy like we used to. Even if its fake, or just for a moment. .

"Kiddo. .you make me happy enough." I said with a chuckle, tossing them up and down. They giggled in response.

For once I was happy.

Actually happy. Just seeing that smile on the kids face, it-

"Heya, Geno~."

Fuck. My smile is gone now. Thanks a lot,


"What do you want," I growled, keeping the kid behind me.

"Here to try and take my soul again?"

"Ohoho. Getting defensive now, are you? Wittle Geno is defensive, aww. How cute~." He said this with a chuckle, and sipped his coffee.

THAT-UGH. Red flared on my face slightly, but I didn't notice. I swiped, knocking his coffee to the ground. ((SWIPER NO SWIPING!!!!!!!!))

"HAH! TAKE THAT. YOUR STUPID. .Your stupid coffee,

I bet you got it from sans-bucks." Oh god. .Stupid stupid stupid! I internally facepalmed.

However, he chuckled and said;

"Its ok, fussy. I'll just get another one."

The kid went to the side, another part of our routine. If Death shows up at the door, I'm dyin first.

"So. Why'd you come here. For real."

"I came here to see if I can get you out. At least sometime." I snickered at this.

"Why would you care?" I said with a scowl.

"Because, I hate seeing you stuck like this." And with that, he left.

Goddamn hot-as-fuck death skeleton.


"To the corner of shame." I mumbled to myself.





That was alright.


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