Chapter: 12

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My feet were hurting when we got home. That wasn't going to stop me from making the notes. I cleaned up, put on my headphones and played the recorded file. My pen was in my hand ready to write down everything.

There was silence at first. But then they started to talk. I wrote the initials of the names i.e. R, J, and D.

R: I know what Alice saw but you have to stay away from Alex.
She sounded angry.

D: You know I can't do that.
He told her like he was getting tired of this conversation.

J: She is younger than you.

D: Well obviously.

J: No, I meant you're 20 or around that and she is 18. It's too early. 

R: No, he is not getting her.
She hissed.

D: She is my mate. And, she is dating a mutt. That's a disgrace, for all of us. She belongs to me.

J: Your emotions are strong. I could feel that from the other side of the room. Although Seth is always a better option than a Volturi.
He sounded amused at the last part.

R: Don't take his side. She doesn't even know that we exist, so we would like to keep it that way. Otherwise, who knows what Aro would plan to do? Let her have human moments as long as she can.

There was a pause, followed by a sigh.

D: I guess you are right. She should cherish her moments. But I want to get to know her. She won't know about us.

J: Edward said, she is already suspicious about us. And if you make a wrong move, you will get caught and get us caught.

R: And you were saying she won't get to know about us? Well, your contacts melted. You need to be more careful.

J: If you want to be close to her, change your diet. And let's get you some contacts first. They are upstairs.

D: Thank you. But I have to give a visit to the Volturi. 

R: Do whatever you want. But she is your mate, so you should know you have to protect her. 

J: Whatever it takes.

D: I know. Now, give me those contacts.

There were footsteps and everything went silent.

I underlined and rewrote the words- mate, Volturi, Alice's visions, changing diet, contacts melting. Why did Demetri say obviously about the age thing and Jasper stated the 'obvious' as if clarifying it? I quoted Jasper and wrote it. He mentioned he could feel the emotions which seemed like a sign of empath. Mind-reader, seer and now an empath too? What did they mean by their existence and Aro. Who's Aro? And let me have my human moments which would mean they are not humans. Demetri knew about the shape-shifter thing.

I was thrilled to have a lead finally, but I was tired too. I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. I put the notebook under my pillow and drifted off to sleep.

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