Part Thirty - Three

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Noolen POV

Ahh fuck i cant beleive this shit i thought I was never going to see this girl again and now she tha one living next to me . . When she walked to her door she looked at me then rolled her eyes and walked in , since we finnah live next to each other i guess i gotta find a way to apologize to her.


I aint noe that nigga for a full 5 hours and I already hate his ol ugly ass , Okay wait why am I liening that boy is FAR from ugly , them fuckin dimples is A-1 . . I got in the house and went to go take a shower even thoe b if was still early . . when i got out the shower i put on some boy shorts that said NICE and a long tee and then called Santo on face time

Santo ; So now you wanna talk

Yn ; Nope.  . I just wanna talk to CJ

Santo ; He is sleep right now

Yn ; Okay well can you tell CJ that i called

Santo ; Yea iight , ayee Yn

Yn ; What Santo

Santo ; Can we talk

Yn ; about what , there is nothing me and you have to talk about

Santo ; WTF do you mean there is nothing  for us to talk about , your finnah have my fucking kid

Yn ; Yeaa until then me and you have nothing to talk about

Santo ; Yn stop being so fucking selfish

* someone knocks on the door *

Yn ; uggh hold on * gets the door *

Yn ; Oh my god wth do you want

Noolen ; sugar

Yn ; Sugar ?

Noolen ; Yea sugar

Yn ; Wth do you need sugar for

Noolen ; Uhmm

Yn ; You noe what idc , Just come on

Noolen; *follows Yn *

Yn ; * looks for sugar*

Noolen POV

Yea i noe what yall thinking sugar , thats the oldest shit in the book but hey it worked  . The whole time she was looking for the sugar i watched her, i loved the way her shirt lifted up and showed the boyshorts she was wearing , i aint noe I was stareing so hard until I she kept calling sir.

Yn ; Sir

Noolen ; . . .

Yn ; sir

Noolen ; ....


Noolen ; Oh my bad and the name is Noolen nut sir

Yn ; Well Okay Noolen i would have known that if you didn't act like such an asshole early

Noolen ; Oh yea about that , I wanted to apologize for that , I was just kind of upset about some shit

Yn ; Okay well apologie excepted

Noolen ; So can I make it up to you *smiles*


Oh god them dimples , don't fall in , don't fall in , don't fall in

Yn ; Yea

Noolen ; Iight tomorrow be ready 2 , wear something casual .

Yn ; Okay

Noolen ; Iight * walks to the door & opens it *

Yn ; Bye

Noolen ; peace *leaves*

Yn ; * shuts the door and smiles*

Santo ; Yn ! !


Ahh fuck i forgot he was still on

Yn ; *walks back to the ipad * What

Santo ; Who tf was that

Yn ; No one , look tell CJ i called bye

Santo ; Yn

Yn ; *Hangs up *


Eppppp! I gotta date with Noolen tomrow I'm kind of excited but then again I hope he doesn't act like an asshole . . When i got off with Santo and sat watched TV . . I guess ima be doing this until CJ calls .

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