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Emma's POV

I lugged my baggage out of the cab and stood there in the middle of all the hustle of the campus, just taking it all in. People all around me seemed in such a rush and caught up in themselves, busy with the anticipation of the starting school year. I had made it. Full schoolarship to Boston University to study psychology. I smiled to myself as I snapped out of my trance and back to reality.

I re-read the email I had recieved that had all of my induction details and further instructions. My dorm was to be determined on site but I was supposed to make my way to the North Tower. Attatched was a map of the campus which I opened up and followed while dragging my bags until finally arriving at the building. Outside, on the front lawn a small table was set-up with a big poster hanging in front that read 'DORM ASSIGNMENTS'. I approached the girl that sat behind it that appeared to be completely overwhelmed by all the people surrounding her and talking all at once.

I stood there a few minutes waiting for the crowd to clear a little and went foreward. She noticed me and began a speech that I had heard her repeat at lest 15 times in the past 5 minutes. "Hi, welcome to Boston University, I'm Claire and I'm in charge of the administration of freshman students in the North Tower.If you could let me know your first and last name I will get you your dorm key and you can be on your way to start living the college experience." She tried to sound peppy but it came out more weary and tired. "Um hey, nice to meet you, I'm Emma Porter." She flipped through an endless amount of pages on a clipboard until stopping and skimming down. "Alright Emma, you've been assigned to dorm 837 and it looks like your room mate has already arrived!" She handed me a set of 2 identical keys and another pamphlet. "If you have any trouble or questions my contact info is in there." I nodded at her with a smile, thanked her and made my way up the few stairs of the entrance to the white building.

I entered the elevator with my suitcases and another guy, also pulling along his belongings. He made a small nod towards me as if saying hello. He had dirty blonde hair and these gorgeous blue eyes. "What floor?" He had a thick irish accent that made me melt. "8th floor please." His face broke into a small cheeky smile, "Same floor as me."

We stood there a few seconds before the doors opened and we tumbled out suitcases and all. Turns out he was in the dorm right next to mine. "See you around." He said right before dissapearing behind the white door, while I was still fumbling with my keys. Almost instantly the door I stood in front of swung open revealing another flawless guy, this time shirtless with a bag of chips in hand and baggy sweatpants puddling at his ankles. I gaped at him as he raised his eyebrows in doubt. "I'm sorry I must've mixed up my dorm." I spun on my heels and tried to grab all my suitcases at once trying to spare myself from any further embarassment, "Wait, aren't you Emma?" I stopped in my tracks and turned back around. "Uh yeah, why?" He let out a deep chuckle. "You're not wrong, this is your dorm." Wait what? No, this wasn't possible. "Aren't the dorms gender specific? Is this dorm 837?"

"No, that's South Tower. And yes, this is it. But it looks like I hit the lottery in the room mate department this year." He crossed his arms and leaned on the door frame while scanning me completely with desiring eyes. I let out a grunt at his comment and pushed passed him with one of my duffel bags on my back entering the suite. "Your room is on the left!" he yelled from outside of the apartment where he had decided to make himself useful by grabbing the rest of my luggage. "Thanks." I mumbled as he came back in. "Sure love, I'm Liam." I examined carefully, he had perfectly toned abs and he was sporting a beard that made him look rough. He let out a small huff, "What so you can check me out but when I do it it's the freaking end of the world." I rolled my eyes, shut myself in my new room and started unpacking.

The suite was perfect, it had a small kitchen with everything I needed and a cozy living room next to the dining area. We had seperate bathrooms, each in our rooms, thankfully. I threw myself onto the bed exhausted from unpacking everything. I let out a sigh and sat up, it was about lunch time and I had planned to have lunch on campus and then walk around and maybe check out the activities fair. I changed into something more appropriate to the weather and grabbed my phone and keys.

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