Chapter 15

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I can't be pregnant? That's impossible!
Aiden of course, senses that something is wrong and puts one of his hands on my shoulder.
"Mands?" He asks, he looks confused.
"W-we need to get to a gas station, pronto!" I tell him, I'm feeling anxiety creeping in my body and shivers going through my body. I tell myself calm the fuck down Mandy, there's nothing to worry about. You're not pregnant you just ate something bad and that's why you feel like shit. Your period is just some days delayed, nothing unusual or not normal. Calm down Mandy.
But I can't seem to calm down. I feel panic going though my whole body. I'm thinking over and over again, I can't keep this baby if I'm pregnant. I have whole my life in front of me.

Aiden drives us to the closest gas station, and I walk in and quickly buy a pregnancy test. The cashier is looking at me with worried eyes, probably thinking I look too young to be taking a pregnancy test.
I walk into the bathroom at the gas station, taking the test. While I'm waiting for the results I get a text from Aiden.

Aiden: U good in there babe?
Me: Yea, everything's fine I'll b out in 10
Aiden: Okay❤️❤️

I turn off my phone and take a deep breath as the timer goes out and the results should be clear now. It's two lines in the little viewfinder. What I feared is true. I'm actually pregnant. I look up at myself in the mirror.
"Now what am I gonna do?" I tell my own reflection.

I think over the situation. I'm Mandy, I'm a high school student, I'm not even eighteen years old and I'm expecting a baby I can not take care of. And how am I gonna tell my parents, how will Aiden and I tell our parents? That their son and their daughter in law, step- siblings are expecting a child? It doesn't make sense. How should I tell Aiden? Or shouldn't I? But I can't hide a pregnancy from Aiden, it's completely insane.

I get out of the store and towards the car. Aiden is leaning on the car while he's refilling the gas. He sees me and smiles. When I'm closer to him her stands up straight.
"What made you take so long?" He asks and looks at me with concern.
"Oh, uhm... I was just at the toilet. I'm fine though." I answer him
How am I going to give him the news? I don't even know if I want to keep the baby or not, I can barely take care of myself! How am I, a teenage girl gonna possibly take care of a child? And how will Aiden react? We're both young and he's going to college after this summer.

I realize I'm overthinking everything, I just need to think out how I'll be able to break the news to him. Because if I would keep the fetus, would he stay? Would he stay with me or would he leave me and the child and that would probably not give me any other choice than to do an abortion.

Aiden jumps into the driver's seat while I sit in the passenger's seat. He looks at me.
"So you're fine?" He asks.
"Yeah, it was probably something I ate." I answer him.
"Okay." He mumbles.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"I saw what you bought Mandy, what did it show?" He asks, he looks a little scared in his eyes and they're filled with concern.
The hairs in the back of my neck raises and I feel shivers go through my body. I was so fully up in just buying the test so I didn't realize the store had glass windows over the whole thing so he actually could see through the window what I bought.
"I'm sorry Aiden, I just didn't wanna scare you or anything." I answer.
"But you'd have to tell me anyway" he answers, looking down at his interwined hands.
"I'm not gonna be like- I don't know "mad" or anything if that's what you think." He answers and looks up at me.
"Uhm..." I start to stutter. How should I tell him? Like, yes I have a piece of flesh growing inside of me or-. I realize I've been thinking for two minutes straight.
"Mandy. What did the test show?" He asks and looks at me, I notice he's becoming really scared and insecure the more the time goes. Just say it for fuck's sake Mandy!
And I told him.
"It- it showed two lines." I stuttered, I could hear that my voice was breaking a little bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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