• Meeting Him Again P2 •

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My alarm went off as usual so I get up and took a nice warm bath well today my OTD is "Something Different" well my shirt is from their merch is a seavey jersey and and a grey hoddie I was alr happy with my outfit.

Suddenly Aev and Insyirah was downstairs cooking some breakfast well they were cooking pangcakes and those are me fav. So waited like for a minute and took aplatr and took like 3 pangcake.

After eating breakfast it was just 9.30 am and I was like that was fast well I don't care so I took out my laptop and facetime my brother Christain.

U may know him his a funny YouTuber and he was a ex viner R.I.P vine.... Well he was the best person I ava meet .

Well when I was facetiming him he was in bed and not getting up as usual I told to do so well he did not listen when Kristen his girlfriend called him he brings his laptop downstairs and eat while calling me.

We had a great time but I had to end the call cause it was almost 10 and I told Daniel to pick me up at 10 and it was already 9.58.

I saw everyone downstairs waiting for Daniel and I thought they were not ready.

Well so I grab my gitaur just in case I will get bored in the mini van...So it was 9.59 we went to our doorstep and Daniel is already there.

Omg i miss so much that my heart started to beat very fast.So Daniel had to meet the girls he was cool with it...So we went in the mini van and it looks like a freaking cool.

So I decided to surprise him with their band song is called Something Different and I was like nervous cause he is a professional singer.

After we sang the song he started to ask me question......

Daniel: So Ayisha how did gais formed as a band ?

Me: Asked Yazmin.

So asked he asked Yazmin

Yazmin: So Ayisha and Insyirah met first they were in 1st grade and Me,Marry and Aev met her 3rd garde to 5th grade and we told each other that why shouldn't we make a band so ya.

Daniel: So what's the band name?

Me : We were still thinking of that.

So while we talikng we were already arrived and this is where it got more a cool vibe.

When I First Met You // Daniel Seavey { First Book}Where stories live. Discover now