Family school tour// CH. 15

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Anya's POV:
"Dad?" I asked the man
"Yes dear how have you been?"
"Good. But why did you pretend that you were dead?" I asked in a stern way
"I didn't choose too."
"Well then what have you been doing?!?!" I started to raise my voice
"Well after the plane crash I had a chance to survive along with your mother. We got picked up and sent immediately to the hospital. Your mother didn't make it but I did. After I left I tried to look for you then I got kidnapped. The only way they would release me was to work for them for 10 years." He explained
"I'm glad I get to see you again!!!!" I said bear hugging him
"I missed you too!" He said hugging back
"Imma leave you two alone." Taylor said
"Who's that?" My dad asked
"Oh that's my friend Taylor."
"Boyfriend?" My dad said teasingly
"Haha imma go to the others." Taylor said
"Ok see ya!"
I decided to hang out with my dad.
We went on a lot of roller coasters here then we ate.
"sooooo while I was held captive I heard you became an social media sensation." My dad said
"I have. It's been really fun I have met many friends."
"Well there are the fans."
"Shouldn't we be running?
"No it's alright 6 flags sent body guards to protect me from any psychos." I said
"Well dear I got to go now." My dad said
"Oh ok im so happy I got I see you again!" I hugged him
"I will do whatever it takes to see you again!" He said hugging back
"See you soon!" I said waving
He walked away and I walked back to y friends.
"Hey Anya!" Matt yelled
"Hey what's up Matt?" I said with a smile
"Heyy Anya so smiley."
"Well I met someone but you probably won't believe me."
"Whooooooo??" Matt begged
"My dad."
"Yeah he had to go we just said goodbye."
"Thank god that now you know he is still there for you."
"HEY GUYS LETS HEAD BACK NOW! FANS ARE FOLLOWING US!!!!" The others said to us while running
We decided to start running for our lives too.
We all hopped into the limo and drove home.
*awkward silence on the way back to the house*
We all walked into the house and then Nash screamed.
"I can ask my friend if she can sleep over there." I suggested
"Oh ok."
I texted and she said ok.
"Yeah see just texted back saying that Skylynn can sleep over."
"Oh ok I'll text my mom about that."
"Sooooooo whatcha wanna do?" Ricky asked
*knock knock*
I look through the window and here he is...
The worst person in the world...
The biggest player ever...
The abuser....
Blake Fucking Nesterson...
I ran downstairs and whisper/yell to Sav.
"He's here!" I said panicking
"Don't tell me it's that bitch again!" Sav said about to burst
"Shhhh and yes it is."
"Who's that?" Taylor said
"My ex..."
"OMG let's get revenge!" Ricky said
"Yeah! There was this prank that I've always wanted to do to him on April Fools but he had to be an asshole so I didn't get a chance." I said
"oh ok what's the prank?" Cartah asked
"Fill up 5 mini balloons full of honey then shove them all into a huge balloon filled up with honey. Then dump three bags of feathers and flour on him."
"ZAYUM you clever." Cam complimented
"Sav you stall him I will text you when we are ready."
"Oh and please don't kill him I want this to happen then you can kill him."
"ok me Andrea Jen and Rebecca gets the flour and the rest can handle the balloons."
We all nod in agreement.
*knock knock*
"Everyone upstairs!" We all quietly ran up and Sav answered the door
"Uhmmmm hey Sav can I talk to Anya?" Blake asked (I could hear them)
"No you fucking cheated on her for 5 months then gave her a $3 ring ten abused her enough that she broke we left and right arm!!!" Sav screamed in his face
"L look let me talk to her."
"You stay right there! Or else I will hurt you! You have seen what I have done to others before!!"
He took a step back.
I then texted Sav and it vibrated on her phone.
"ok ready guys?" I asked and they nodded
I took the huge honey balloon and threw it hitting his head and also knocking him off of his feet.
It exploded all over him!
Then I grabbed 1 bag of feathers and flour then dumped it.
I did the same thing until I used all the bags.
I then whipped out my phone and took a picture of him.
He looked like an embarrassed, and depressed piece of shit.
"ANYA WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FUCKING FOR?!?!?!?!?!" He screamed at me
"Ooh kill em." They all said behind me
"Well watch you come running after me as soon as one of them dump your stupid ass."
"Well look who's on there period?" I said to everyone else in the room but loud enough so he can hear
We can hear him stomp away.
"BAHAHAHAHAHAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAHAHAHAJAHA!!!!!!!!!!" Everyone started cracking up falling to the floor
*5 minutes of insane laughing*
"Hey guys should I post it on insta and twitter? I asked
"YESSSSSSS!!" They all screamed
So I posted it on twitter first:
@heyitsanya What a mess @BlakeNestersondoee the one who hurt and dumped my apparently "stupid ass."
I tweeted that and then attached the pic to it.
@BlakeNestersondoee well you do have a stupid ass face and brain.
I saw that tweet and didn't care. My followers fought him anyways.
@PlayListLovers Hey bitch guess what?! You deserve what fucking happened to you!! Like your whole fucking body looks like you caked yourself with more makeup than I have ever seen on a girl. Like I bet Anya would go stay in a room with one of the biggest players in the world than an fugly ass mother fucking bitch aka you! I saw that reply I favorited and retweeted. Also commented on it "I love you thanks for he support and flipping him off!"
I got off of twitter than posted it on insta.
"Sooooooo let's go to sleep we have school tomorrow... 😒😒" I said rolling my eyes
"Yea we will be heading home now." The boys said
"Ok see ya tomorrow." Me and the girls waved
"See ya!"
They drove off then Andrea and Rebecca left after we finished "Paranormal activity 3."
"See you tomorrow gurlz!!" They said them left the house
"We should go to sleep too." I suggested
"Yeah let's go to bed." Jen said rolling her eyes because she hated school
Same with me.
*sleep snore snore snore snore sleep*
Next morning:
"FUCKING ALARM CLOCK!!!!!!!!" I yelled and chucked it and it hit the wall
Well good thing that it shut up.
"Hey nice throw Anya." Jen said getting out of bed
"Whatever let's get changed."
My outfit:
-tank top saying "rad" also cut from the side
-shorts (not booty shorts)
-headband with a flower on it
-mint green vans
I headed downstairs and grabbed some ice cream.
Then Jen came down.
"Seriously Anya you eat ice cream for breakfast?!?" Jen said somewhat shocked
"Yeah. Duuurrr." I sassed
"Well Sav got sick sooo let's just penny board to school." Jen said
"Oh ok."
"Let's go before we are late." I said
(A/N they switched back to the same school as the boys that part I forgot I mention)
We rode to school then...
"Oh it's ok."
I helped him up and I felt pairs of eyes on us.
"Ok guys let's get going we already skipped a lot of school." I said riding
*at school*
"Hey Cameron!" Madelyn the biggest slut in the school said
"Go away slut!" Cameron said
"Why are you hanging out with 4 sluts huh?" Totally ignoring his question
"Your the slut!" He said slapping her knocking her out
"Hah bitch." I said
"OMFG ANYA!!!" Sydney the main bitch yelled
"What do you want Sydney?!?" I yelled/asked
"Wellll I wanted to start over because I was mean to you because they made me." She said pointing to the boys
"Well fine but only one chance."
"THANKS SO MUCH!!!" She yelled running back to her friends
"Well now at least the whole school doesn't hate you now." Sam said
*ring ring*
"Well see you guys at lunch!" I said
Since it was first period I had Rebecca Sam Cameron and Matt in my class.
We all walked in and got welcomed by an applause.
"Well well look we got 5 of the biggest social media sensations in our class!" The teacher said with enthusiasm
Us 5 laugh then joined by the class.
*ring ring*
"Sorry Ms. Anderson someone is calling me." I said
"Oh ok you can pick it up outside but come inside right after you are done."
I walked outside and picked it up.
"Hello is this Anya Le?"
"Yes it is."
"well hello my mne is Bart Bordelon and I would like you to join a group called magcon."
"Yes. Oh and also do you have Cameron Dallas, Matthew Espinosa, Shawn Mendes, Taylor Caniff, Carter Reynolds, Jack Johnson, Jack Gilinsky, Aaron Carpenter and Nash Grier near you?"
"Well no but I can go get them."
"It would be great if you can."
I muted the phone.
I peeked my head in.
"Hey Matt Cam us three have to go get Shawn, Taylor, Both Jacks, Nash, Carter, and Aaron."
"Oh ok." They replied
We walked into all of the classes they were in and then we talked to Bart.
"Hello now I have all the boys near by an you are on speaker."
"Oh yes. Would you guys like to join a group I made called magcon?"
"YES!!!" All the boys chanted
"Oh ok email me at (place what ever email here). Email me your numbers and I will text you details."
"See you soon."
"See you."
I hung up.
"Wow more school skipping I love being popular!" Matt yelled
"Mmmhhhmmmmmm." We all respond (creds to Brent Rivera)
"We should get back to class see ya!" I said waving to the others
*boring classes lalalalalala*
"YESSS LUNCH!!" The whole class yelled running out
I met up with the rest because the class before lunch I don't have anyone else in it.
"Hey Anya over here!" Ricky yelled
"Oh hey guys!" I said putting my bag on my feet
"Soooo why did you pull the boys outta class?" Andrea asked
"We got asked to go join this group called magcon." Cartah explained
"How much school can you guys skip in one year?!?" JC said laughing
"Idk I wish I can skip the rest of my school life." I commented
We all laugh.
"Heeeyyy Cammy!" Madelyn yelled
"Go away! You slept with at least 5 guys in one week!" Cameron yelled standing up
He was so much talker than her.
"Well I bet the slut called Anya slept with at least 10 when he was at playlist live with you guys!"
"You know what at least I wear clothes!" I said pinning her to the wall
She tried to grab my hair but I'm too fast.
I grabbed her hair and then slammed her head against the floor.
"Thank me I just made your face look better!" I yelled at her life less body and walked away
"Damn you taught her well!" Connor complimented
"Well she was a living hell in everyone's eyes."
"Ooh kill em."
*ring ring*
"Hello Bart."
"Hello I just wanted to tell you that I've already sent out all the texts and that you can bring anyone to be a guest. Also that the first Magcon will be tomorrow at 3:00. Don't worry it's going to be near where you live."
"Oh ok thanks."
"So we won't rent a hotel for you because you can just stay at your original houses."
"Ok thanks for letting me know."
"Oh ok see you tomorrow."
"See you!"
I hung up.
"What's up?" Shawn asked
I explained everything to them.
"Cool so I can bring O2L!!" The boys screamed
"Well I'm bringing my homies!" I said hinting that my homie were the girls
"Hey we not your homies?" Trevor asked faking and disappointed look
"Hey you guys are too!"
*ring ring*
"Well this period should be fun." I said
This period has all 19 of us. 😏😏
We all walked in.
"Well well 19 of the biggest stars on the internet are in this class." Ms. Doyle said excited
"Soo let's just do a Q&A the whole class." Ms. Doyle said
"Ok then." We all said
"Uhmmm you in the blue and while polka dot shirt." I said pointing
"Which one of you has the most Instagram followers? Then how much do you have?" She asked
We all went on our phones.
"I do. I have 4.3 m." I said
"Dang it I have 4.1 m." Nash complained
"You in the pink shirt with light blue stripes." Shawn pointed
"Ummm who does the most photo shoots?"
"Cameron!" We all said at the same time
"Well sorry for looking so damn hot." He said
We all laugh.
"Ok you in the tank top that says "pizza = life." Andrea pointed
"Which one can dance the best?"
"Carter or Anya!" Everyone said besides us two
"DANCE OFF! THEME: THE JERK!!" The class yelled
"Ok this is an Asian dance off it betta be good!" The boys said
"Oh shut up racist!" I yelled back
Some kid turned on Turn Down for What by Lil John on.
I danced. (Don't know any dance mover or names 😂😂)
Then Carter.
"Everyone write on a sheet of paper who did better!" Taylor said behind us
*writing sounds*
"Dayum you guys tied." Aaron said counting the pieces of paper
*Speakers: there has even a gas leak nearby the school. Everyone must leave now.*
"Well let's go class dismissed." Ms. Doyle said
*awkward walk home*
"Ok bye guys see you tomorrow!" I yelled to them
"Bye!!" They yelled back
"Let's go to sleep." I suggested
"Oh ok nite Anya."
I was so excited.
(A/N Thanks for the 2k reads! Sorry for updating late my wattpad didn't work but now it does so here's the update. Next update= 2.2k reads. Share and Vote!! Thanks!)

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