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I was laying in the bed hurt and in pain. I honestly wanted to kill that bitch, I was laying down until the nurse came in with some food which had look fake asf. Like I don't eat hospital food they nasty as hell. She came by me and put the food on the table and hand it to me. I looked at her like I was disgusted. All she did was smile at me btw she light skin with long weave.

Nurse: Boy I know they food nasty but u gonna have to eat it

Me:ha yea I know they nasty so wats yo name 

Nurse: lil boy please stop cuz I just got this job and I'm not gonna flirt with u 

Me:u really a baddie btw I'm Tywon and I'm 17

Nurse:Yea I know they told me and I'm Royalty and I'm 18

Me:Ard nice name where u get it from

Nurse:....I got it from my big sister after she got shot 

Me:Oh I'm sorry to hear that I hope she RIP

Nurse:Yea we'll have fun with ur food and btw there's going to be some visitors to see u

Me:Aight yea my friends bye...

When the nurse to me that her sister got shot I had a flash back of my brother getting shot in front of me when we were kids and I was finna cry but I realized that big boys don't cry. Kalayshia yah I still miss her and still love her and actually want to be the one who have her babies. I heard a knock at the door and it was my friends and my mom and dad.

Malak:Sup bro u good?

Me:wassuh and yea bro

Nate:Wussup my nigga

Lucas:how's the hospital and the hospital food

Me: haha very funny 

Malu:*laughs* but really how u been

Me:......good so far why u here 

Malu:I came with Eric

Eric:Yea wassup brother

Me:Nahhhh don't call me that

Mrs.Jones:Who did this to you?

Micheal:We don't know 

*should I tell them who shot me and put me in the hospital*

*idk what to say bc my dad might shot her and go to jail*

*the only person who know is me and Kalayshia*

Me:ummmm look idk who did it 

Lyrica & Malu:Yea we gtg bye have a nice day 

Ms.Jones:*clears throat* Umm where do you two think your going

Lyrica:To our destination

Ms.Jones:No y'all gonna support my son thru this 

Malu:Support bitch we never was supporting *mubbles*

Ms.Jones:Excuse me what you said lil girl cause I will Fu-

Malu:I Said Support bitch we never was supporting

Mr.Jones:Calm down baby

Lucas:Aye chill

My mom was arguing with Malu and Lyrica cuz they had to dip off and I saw Lyrica got my drink and went behind my mom and did something.

LyricaWassup bitch!!!!*Poors drink on her*

Malu:Go wash your hair hoe!!!*pulls her hair*

Lucas:y'all chill man 

Eric:Malu let's go now

Jade:Come here bitch 

I saw jade went by malu and hit tf outta her making malu cried and we saw the police come in and took jade out the hospital and I saw everyone left especially my parents. I was in the room by myself and I heard a little knock at the door and it was Kalayshia I was so happy. 

Layshia:Um hi


Layshia:I brought u some food

Me:Oh thanks 

Layshia:I gtg 

Me:Can u come see me tmr 

Layshia:I can't I have somewhere to be but bye

Me:Bye babygirl 


I went to go see my homie Tywon to support his ass when he need it obviously. I just wanna know who shot him and why like wtf.

Me:Wassup brother in law

Tywon:Wassup man

Me:how u been 

Tywon:good wbu

Me:Hype wyd nigga 

Tywon:Nigga wat it look like 

Me:ion tell me

Tywon:Nigga I'm in a fuckin hospital bed *laughs*

Me:Nahhh nigga I was being sarcastic 

Tywon:Yea But kalayshia brought me some food cuz I wasn't finna eat they nasty shit 

Me:Oh aight look bro I gtg 

Tywon:Bye bro 

I left out the room to go talk to Layshia about this whole thing with Her and Tywon cuz this wasn't finna cut it. I saw her at the vending machine getting something.

Me:Fat ass eating again huh

Layshia:Bruh shut up I hungry 

Me:U should've eat the food u had earlier 

Layshia:Nahh that wasn't for me it was for Ty-

Me:Tywon yea ik 

Layshia:Look baby I love u so there's nothing for u to be worried about 

Me:Yea ok and I love u too now hurry yo fat ass up

Layshia:I got to use the bathroom so shut up

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