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It a hellween chapter. Enjoy

the hellween party at Scotts house

Lizzie,joel,Lauren and oil were duning apples and callum and Scott were at the party but make sure ilayna,Owen and Oliver does hurt them self by daceing to gostbuster.
..ilayna claps and been rushed to the emergency room.

Hours later

Scott:- how is she doc

Doc:- not good it seems like her leg are not ready to hold her weight

Scott:- how dare you call her big

Doc:- sorry but the truth and she needs to be not walking for .....

Scott:- doc for how long

Doc:- well ever. Because of her legs are not fully develop ,it means she cant hold her own wieght, so seems she can't walk in till death knocking at her front door.By the way it means ilayna will be ghost to be able to walk

Scott:- ( crying ) she now started walking and she can't anymore this a cruel world

Doc:- i know. Well good bye

Scott:- bye

At the house where every one was there because they got kicked out of hospital grounds

Lauren:- is my baby girl OK

Scott :- one our baby two no

Scott told every thing that doc said and every one was so shocked

Lizzie:- is the badest hellween party ever.

Scott:- how

Lizzie:- ilayna when to hospital and she cant walk and she only six months old that not fair. The other thing, my mouth is to small because i cant fit apple in my mouth.

Joel:- ( crying out larthing ) you cant fit a apple in mouth u must be 2 if u cant fix a apple in your mouth

Next day

Everyone was planning for the YouTube hellween party they put together. Only problem Lauren cant go because of babies and Scott said he stay behind too with her but he still helping out the decorations that joel picked.

It been hours since the they called all of YouTubers and no came, so they canseled it.

lizzie dairy :-
Oli and callum are planning a wedding day for them after week of planning by oli he fannly prepped to callum. i was so happy for both of them but i wanted the same thing with someone special, after thinking alot about it and i am going to ask joel on Christmas because of the lost of jasmine still in he's head and somehow i got in to jail then my brother bailed me out thank God.

Joel journal:-

I am to ask lizzie out i feel it time to move forward and now i have i choice to make. Feel regret all my life or have happyniss and move on.how and when i am going to ask lizzie out?

Hellween night

Scott and Lauren took they children to baby hellween party.Everyone had fun that night and no one got hurt

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