third chapter

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Third chapter
Konoha was no longer the bright, peaceful village it once was. Flames were emanating from the houses and shops. People were running through the streets, screaming. Trying to escape an all but certain death and demise. Even the shinobi were running through the streets trying to survive. The village was being destroyed by a powerful enemy. Only this time, the enemy cannot be touched. It cannot be killed, nor fought. It can only be seen, by than , your death was already upon you. Their enemy was the sky.
It was only an hour ago that things started going wrong. Or, more precisely, that they knew something was wrong.the sky was shining bright at night by the fire the rocks carry with them. The ground was being torn apart by the rocks coming down from the sky. Any unlucky soul nearby would burnt or crushed. This was no where as dangerous as the lightning storms or the trampling. The rocks constantly strike the ground in an burning fury. It destroyed homes and killed the people. Anything that wasn't destroyed by the rocks  was set aflame instead. The flames would burn through homes and houses, collapsing each as they burned through the wood and trees.
The situation was only getting and worse by the time goes by. So many people were running through the streets that many of them were separated from their family members. Others were trampled and killed. Even children. This kind of disaster would normally be easily fixed or avoided with some sort of jutsu. But with each one they used, the shinobi were getting weaker by the radiation of the meteors, the fire war getting more and more violent. Not even could stop this.
Naruto was running around the village trying to save as much as people he can but by every moment passes he could feel that his power getting weaker.
He just got back form mission. Didn’t have any idea what was happening here.
He reached the Hokage tower. Search for grandma hokage . When he reached the cabin he opened the door. He sees that Grandma wasn’t there . Naruto see everybody was there except grandma tsunade.
“what's happening out there kakashi andand where is grandma tsunade? Sakura.” Naruto asked but everyone was quite
“she died Naruto the Strike of the first series of meteors was right on top her house. We tried to save her but it was too late.” Said sakura. It was shock to Naruto.
“ Naruto I know your dad I know it hard time but you have to get it together” said kakashi handling Naruto The hokage cap and the Hokage ring.
“what is this?” asked. Naruto in shock.
“It was her last wish for you to be the Hokage. And that’s what we all want Naruto. This village needs a it’s hero again to be the leader and save them naruto. Your the Hokage now think of the people of this village Naruto they need you. Be the child of the prophecy you were born too.”  Said kakashi. Naruto take the hat and the ring.
Flashback end
Mt Justice
"Recognizing B02, Aqualad."
Out of the zeta tube emerges Aqualad. He is dressed in his gear. Aqualad looks to see Robin, Miss Martian, Superboy, and Naruto already waiting for him. "Recognized B03, Kid Flash." Kid Flash comes out behind Aqualad.
"I am so ready for this mission," smirks Kid. The young speedster falls silent upon seeing Batman not amused with his tardiness. Quickly, Kid joins the others ready to hear the mission with barely contain excitement.
Batman brought up a hologram map of an island. "Isla Santa Prisca," he said, "This island nation is the primary source of a dangerous and illegal neo-steroid. It's a strength-enhancing drug sold under the street name 'Venom'. Infrared heat signatures indicate the factory is still in operation, but shipments have stopped going out. That's where this team comes in." As he spoke, images flashed on the holographic screen of the factory and a few known criminals who worked there. "This is a covert, recon mission," said Batman, turning to the team, "Observe and report only. If the Justice League needs to get involved, it will." He returned to the hologram and brought the map of Santa Prisca back up. "The entry plan we've devised calls for two drop zones, here and here."
"So," said Robin, stepping forwards, "Who's in charge?"
Batman and Red Tornado share a glance. "That will be left up to you all to decide," states the Dark Knight. Robin gains a confident smirk.
Red Tornado steps forward placing case on the ground. "In case is stealth gear. It is not required to wear, but stealth is a major part of your mission. Being able to blend in to the environment is key to a covert operation."
"Cool," grins Kid Flash.
"Further instructions and tools are already in the Bioship. Move out."
"get changed," Robin ordered
Miss Martian sits in the pilot seat with her hands in the two glowing white lights. "We are three miles away from Santa Prisca." Aqualad stands up pressing the center of his shirt. His outfit turns completely courtesy of the new stealth tech built into his suit. "Almost at the first drop point."
"I am ready."
Soon enough the ship hovers over the ocean a half mile out from the island. A hole opens up in the bottom of the ship. Aqualad dives through the hole straight into the ocean. He swims through the water at inhuman speeds. Swimming by a dozen mines, he comes upon a large net. He uses his water bearers to create a sword to slice through the net. In no time at all he shoots out of the water landing on the beach. Running over to the heat and motion sensors, he attaches a device to them. It turns from red to green signaling that it is on. "This is Aqualad. Heat and motion sensors are on an endless loop. I am on my way to the rendezvous point," speaks Aqualad.
Naruto emerges. Robin glances towards. The Boy Wonder raises an eyebrow at Naruto's choice in uniform and armor. "Decided to not go with the Stealth Tech?" Naruto takes a seat as if never hearing the comment.
"Dude, he doesn't speak our language," says Kid. Robin gains an annoyed look. How the heck is he supposed to lead this team when one of the members can't even communicate with the rest of the team?
"I can” said Naruto
“ ohhhh good for you” said wally awkwardly.
"We are at the second drop point." She brings the ship to a complete stop over the forest.
Kid Flash stands up with a cocky smirk. "Time to use the new Stealth gear." He presses the lightning bolt on his shirt making his own suit turn black. "Check me out," smirks Kid.
"Impressive," smiles Megan. Her own clothes begin to morph into a black and a navy blue cape.
"I am loving this new gear. It is not too late to change." The speedster looks over at Superboy.
Superboy folds his arms across his chest. "No tights, no capes, no offense."
Grappling hooks come down from the ceiling. Robin and Kid Flash secure the lines to their waists. Holes open up on the floor beneath the team. Robin and Kid lightly land on the ground. Megan hovers down to the ground in a graceful manner. All three quickly move out the way. Superboy landed with a massive thud, making a crater underneath him and knocking the others back. Naruto landed softly on land like a feather.
“so much for stealth” said Naruto bluntly to Superboy.
“I dont need a line," smirks Superboy.
"And yet causing a seismic event might go against the point of being covert," Robin shakes his head at the clone. Superboy shrugs not caring in the least.
"Be more mindful of your surroundings," stats Robin. "Let's get moving!" Robin takes off without bothering to wait for the others. Naruto shrugs following the Boy Wonder. The rest of the team soon starts to move.
M'gann touched her ear. "Aqualad, drop zone B is a go."
"Head for the factory," aqualad's voice rang in their ears, "I'll track your GPS ASAP."
"Rodger that," hissed Robin, "Let's move, team." He took off into the surrounding jungle, the others right behind him. They moved as shadows in the night, skirting through bushes and trees and around cliffs.
Superboy shushed him abruptly. "You guys hear that?" he whispered.
"There's something moving out there," Superboy murmured.
"What now, Robin?" M'gann turned to the boy wonder, only to find a vacant clearing where he had stood only moments before.
"There are two groups ahead of us, but they'll meet each other before they find us."
Superboy stared at him. "How do you know that?” but Naruto didn’t answer
Wally lowered his goggles and they glowed red as he switched them to infrared vision. "He's right," he whispered, "Armed bozos at two and ten, fifty feet and closing." In the distance, they heard shots being fired from semi-automatics, the snapping noises echoing through the jungle.
"Circle around them! We can't risk being seen!"
Robin takes to the tree tops. Boy Wonder completely abandons the team. "Hey Robin…where did he go?" frowns Kid trying to find his friend.
"He was here a second ago," blinks Miss Martian.
"Great, now we have to find him as well." Gunshots begin to fill the air. "Don't need super hearing for that," says Kid.
"Kid, circle around."
"Yeah, yeah I will but I need to find Robin."
In a burst of speed, Kid takes off running straight towards the two groups. Unfortunately, the ground is mudding making his super speed turn against him. He slips on the mud falling forward before rolling across and straight in between the two groups that are shooting at each other. Kid looks up to see everyone looking at him. "So much for stealth," gulps the speedster.
"Idiot." Was the only thing Naruto said as he starts running with Superboy behind him, both in a hurry towards there destination. As soon as they arrive they find both cobra troops and Bane's men firing bullets at each other. Naruto considered them allowing to take the other out before seeing Bane was about to tackle Naruto out of nowhere but Naruto slip and grabbed his head and slam him to the ground with a loud bang send him unconscious. Super boy aqualad take out soldiers. Suddenly Robin arrives from above taking out three soldiers.
"Why didn't you follow my lead?" asked Robin as he quickly began tying the unconscious soldiers of both parties to trees, "Disappear into the jungle!”
"Is that what you were doing?" demanded Wally, "Way to fill us in!"
"I recognize those uniforms, they belong to the cult of the Cobra." Robin told them in an all knowing tone.
"I am certain batman would has mentioned if he knew a dangerous extremist was running Santa Prisca venom operation." Aqualad told them while Naruto's eyes just narrow at thinking city organizations must have disagreed about there work and got into a fight it that the Cobra tried taking over the island.
"Agreed, and since there clearly no trust between the cultists and those goons, I'm betting Cobra came in to toss them out. That's why normal supply lines have been cut off." Robin deduced what was happening while Naruto glances at Bane.
"We get it Cobra wanted super cultists; mystery solved, radio bats and we'll be home in time-" Wally was cut off by Robin.
"These cultists aren't on venom, Cobra's hoarding this stuff, we don't leave. Not until I know why." Robin told the group.
"Until you know?" asked Wally incredulously.
"This team needs a leader," said Robin with a shrug.
"And it's you? Dude, you're a thirteen year old kid who skipped out on us when we needed you!"
"And you're a mature fifteen?" chuckled Robin, "You blew our cover first chance you got!" The two continued to go back and forth while the others watched them.
Miss Martian looks at Superboy. "Don't you want to be leader?"
Superboy scoffs, "no thanks. How about you?"
"I don't think I am ready to be a leader. I am new to all this hero stuff," admits Megan.
Superboy's hearing picks up the talking between a couple of the men. "Senor Bane, why do you not break the ropes and beat these children?"
"Quiet," Bane smirks. "I can use them to help me get my factory back." Superboy gains a small smirk. He loves having super hearing and the ability to understand multiple languages. One of the few bonuses of being trained by Cadmus.
"Do you think you are Batman?"
"I am the closest thing we got."
Laughter erupts from Bane drawing the attention of the team. "Such clever children, but if you want to find out what is going on I can take you inside." Bane smirks. "I know a secret entrance."
"Ah ah, chica," Bane said with a smirk, "Bane is not that easy to break."
M'gann sighed and stood up. "He's reciting football scores in espanol. This could take a while."
"It's not complicated," said Bane, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
Robin has a pensive expression. "If there really is a secret entrance it would allow us to get into the factory undetected."
"Bane recognizes most of you ninos. That's Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash. I'm guessing the chica verde is related to the Martian and the kid with the 'S' is Superman's little nino, but you are unfamiliar, zorro."
“if you betray us or try anything funny, know that you won't have a chance to do it again. Understood” Naruto said and glared at bane.
Bane's expression had gone from smirking to deadly serious. "You think Bane is afraid of you? I am not afraid, but you have made it clear how serious you are willing to take this." Bane stood up and flexed his muscles, breaking the ropes that bound him. As everyone else took a step back and raised their fists in defense,
Naruto gave a glare and said “then learn get scared because I may be the said of the angeles but but don’t think for a second that I am one of them.”
Aqualad glances at the team. He has to admit that trusting Bane, one of the most dangerous villains in the world is risky. Bane is a villain that managed to beat Batman at one point in the past. Still, a secret entrance into the factory is too good an opportunity to pass up. "It is the best plan at the moment." Robin slices the ropes freeing Bane. "Lead the way," orders Aqualad.
Over the course of a half-hour, Bane led the team up a hill overlooking the factory. Robin crouched down and pulled out a pair of binoculars. "Look at all that product," he whispered as he surveyed the field next to the factory, "Looks like a buy is going down. But if they're not selling to the usual customers…"
He let the sentence hang and Naruto folded his arms. "This must be a custom order. Whoever's buying this had specific demands. We need to identify the buyer and what modifications they made to the venom."
"Just what I was thinking," Wally put forth.
"Yeah," Robin rolled his eyes, "You're the thinker."
"Sarcasm? Dude, a real leader would focus on getting answers."
Bane walked over to a large boulder and moved it aside with a grunt, revealing an entrance to a tunnel. "Answers are this way," he said as he started walking into the darkness.
"Oh great," muttered Wally, "So El Luchador is our leader now?"
Bane leads them through the cave to where a secret door is at. Putting his hand on a fingerprint reader, it beeps before the doors slide open. All of them enter into the factory. "Robin…" Aqualad turns to find the Boy Wonder is gone once again.
"Don't tell me he was captured all ready," frowns Bane.
"No, he just does that," sighs Aqualad.
"Stay put, I'll get our intel and be back before the boy wonder." Kid told them as he was about to move before Naruto grabbed his leg causing him to hit the floor.
"Don't, something isn't right." Naruto told him as he gives the signal to follow as they move behind him to the crates and find what's happening seeing a massive shipment happening.
"It's a massive shipment." Aqualad told them as they can also see whats happening outside.
"Yeah, but there only taking new product off the line? There not touching this venom?" Superboy told them while he was confused.
"Maybe freshness counts?" Megan said in wonder.
"Helicopters coming?" Superboy warned the group gaining there attention.
They see the helicopter land with sports master exiting it, surprising them at seeing him.
There currently on the stairs above the workers who are working.
"Sports master? He is the buyer?" Aqualad told them suddenly while they all had the same thoughts.
"Aqualad to red tornado do you re-" Aqualad stopped after he heard only static.
"Can't reach the league, Robin; Coms jammed... We need a plan now." Aqualad said to them.
"I got a suggestion! Rahhhhhh!" Bane yelled jumping down from the pathway and lands on one Cobra while he takes a gun and begins firing, gaining the attention of everyone.
the three hear yelling and turn to see Mammoth coming through the doorway jumps high soon landing on the pathway which collapses as the three land on the ground. Mammoth roared loudly as Cobra is behind Mammoth with troops pointing there guns at them.
"Destroy them!" Cobra ordered the group while mammoth try tackles Naruto who only moves back a little as he then grab mammoth hand and use his momentum and throw him to the wall. Naruto throws a kunai near mammoth next second the kunai shows a explosive tag and get detonated near Mammoth face gaining a yell of pain. Then he throws a rock at naruto which he dodge. Then Naruto appeared delivers a punch to his face causing him to stumble back as Naruto proceeded to charge and punch Mammoth in the face; Mammoth moves back and swings his arm but Naruto twists and dodge it. Naruto punch him and throw him again.
Glancing around the pillar, Naruto saw Bane nowhere in sight as Superboy was sheilding himself form the Gun fire with his arms form and Kaldur hiding behind a shield made of water. Wally darted in from the shadows and sped between the cultists as they continued to fire.
“magan get everyone online” said naruto.
"Sure thing," she raised her hand, but Naruto grabbed her wrist.
"Be careful in here," he said, pointing to his head. M'gann nodded and he released her arm. She put a finger to her temple and focused.
Everyone online?
Yeah, grunted Superboy.
You know it, beautiful, said Wally.
We need to retreat, called Naruto.
Little busy now, replied Robin. Naruto looked up to see him on the landing pad, about to go against the man in the cloak and his female assistant.
Robin, Naruto call, Retreat now!
Fine! Robin threw down a flash grenade and disappeared from sight. Naruto grunted as he grabbed M'gann and took a running jump up the pillar. "Kid, clear a path!" he shouted as he began to run on the ceiling, M'gann flying below him. Wally raced through the cultists, brushing them aside for the others. They quickly made their way back to the tunnel, the beast and a few cultists still on their tail. Naruto narrow his eyes then throw explosive tags on the support beams. naruto make hand sign Almost instantly, the tunnel collapsed behind them, cutting them off from the cultists.
They stopped running and listened closely. They could hear the cultists talking beyond the stone. There was a loud grunt which they took to belong to the beast and the voices silenced. The distinct sounds of footsteps slowly disappeared as the cultists left the cave.
Robin turned away from the others. "How could this happen?" he said softly, "My first mission as leader goes so wrong."
"You have the most experience," said Kaldur, "But that can be a detriment. With Batman, you have defined roles. You do not have to speak with one another. But this team is new. Our leader must be clear, not disappear and expect us to play a part in their unknown plans."
"Oh, so it's my fault?" snapped Robin, spinning around, "I'm supposed to hold everyone's hand?"
"It is true that you have the most experience, but that can also be a weakness." Aqualad walks towards his friend. "With Batman your roles are defined and don't need to speak. This team is new, inexperienced. The leader needs to be vocal and clearly give orders."
"So what I have to play babysitter?!" Robin soon loses his anger. "Who I am kidding? Kaldur you should be leader. You're the only one that can."
"Please I can run circles…"
"Wally come on. You know it is true."
Superboy nods, "I could have told you that."
"Hello Megan! It is so obvious."
All turn to look at Kid. "Fine," smirks Kid.
"Alright, our first priority is preventing that shipment from leaving this Island." Aqualad told them as they get closers I discuss there plan. After a minute, they were done.
"Funny, I had the same thought." Robin said as Aqualad begins explaining more of the plan while they are running.
"Halt, I'm feeling explosive." Bane said as Naruto looks up hearing beeping to find that there's explosives above them as well.
"You betrayed us? Why?!" Kaldur demanded of him.
"I wanted my factory back, tho I forced you until a situation which you would either take down my enemies or die trying, if the ladder, the justice league will certainly have come to advance there sidekicks and when the smoke clears, Santa Prisca will be mine once more. Blowing the tunnel with you inside, should have the same e-" Bane was stopped as Kid took the detonator away from him.
"With what? This trigger thingy?" Kid asked as Bane swung his fist at Kid but it was caught by Naruto.
Naruto straight up punched Bane straight in the face sending him crashing hard into a tree.
Sports master was currebtly heading for the helicopter but stopped from kid flash appearing in a flash as he takes down some soldiers fast, literally.
"Take the shipment!" Cobra ordered as Sports master just started running while Naruto and Superboy land in front of the helicopter, stopping the man.
Superboy turns to the helicopter.
"RAAAWWWRRRRR!" Mammoth rated as he charged at the two and he swings his right fist but Naruto catches it and slam him to the ground.
Mammoth war on the ground  Naruto kick Mammoth in the stomach area causing him to go flying at Cobra who just ducks as Mammoth goes through the garage doors and they hear a loud crash from the inside.
Naruto turns seeing Megan held hostage by Sports master who's walking back slowly while he shoots Superboy with his gun in the left hand while and holding Megan by her neck with his right arm.
"Thanks-" Sports master was stopped by feeling someone tap his shoulder which he instantly does a spin kick but it had no affect on the person which was Naruto who grabs Sports master by his neck lifting him off the ground, causing him to go of Megan soon he was thrown at the controls of the Helicopter while Naruto picks Megan up and he runs out of the helicopter that takes off.
Naruto get Megan to safe distance form the helicopter turns back and with a hand sign and the back of the helicopter explodes. Sports master could only jump out of the helicopter using his parachute while the helicopter flew into the factory destroying it completely...
"A simple, recon mission," said Batman, staring at the team angrily, "Observe and report." They stood in a line with their heads hung. "You'll each receive a written evaluation detailing you many mistakes," Batman said as he walked up and down the line, "Until then…Good job." All  looked up in surprise "No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy," he said, "How you adjust to the unforeseen is what determines success, and how you choose your leader shows character. You're all dismissed.”
Sportsmaster stepped in front of the series of lit screens that made up the Light. "All I recovered was a single ampoule," he said, holding up a vial of Kobra Venom.
"Perhaps we could reverse engineer it," said a voice with a heavy French accent, "But more pressing iz ze matter of ze children."
"First Cadmus, then Mr. Twister, now Santa Prisca," said another, "Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, but three times is enemy action."
"Is there any news of help from beyond?" asked one.
"More rifts are opening and more frequently," said a fourth, "Nothing's come through yet, but it'll happen sooner or later."
"And then we'll make them allies, for enemies of the Light cannot stand."

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