Chapter 1

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Summer POV

Flash Back Nightmare  

" Dad stop " I yelled trying to push my dad off of me I would never have thought he would try and hurt me his own daughter " No your gonna enjoy this, " he said bending my arm back getting all the way on me.

 Flash Back Over

I jump up sweating and breathing hard. I turned on my light looking at my clock it was 1:30 in the afternoon. I got out of bed to go to the bathroom I looked in the mirror seeing the bruises from the night before my dad did. Every time he's mad at my mom he takes his anger out on me. "Sunny come down here I want to talk to you" my mom yelled from downstairs I walked down their really slow because my side still hurt him kicking me multiple times.My dad and my mom were sitting at the table with the newspaper in his hand covering his face. "I and your dad decided to get a divorce," she said with her head down I can tell something was wrong with her because she never has her head down."Ok fine with me "I said shrugging it off as soon as I said that her head shot up."Really" she said with a little smile." yea I mean I guess you'll not mean to be. Then I walked back up to my room a little relive I don't have to deal with my father anymore. 

Next Day          

I woke up to screaming and class breaking I jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs to see my dad chocking my mom. I ran over there trying to help her grabbed his hand "Get off my fucking mom" I yelled then he pushed me to the wall making me hit my head all I remember is seeing all dark.

I woke up in a bed with wires and machines hooked up to me then a doctor came to me." hey Mrs.Summer Jones "the doctor said I shocked my head "We have some bad news your mother didn't make it she got chocked to death" he said. I started crying so hard I couldn't stop myself I just couldn't "I'm sorry for your loss do you have any more  family we can call," he said "No my mom was the only person I had and she's gone" yelled then the doctor sat me on the bed."Sorry Mrs. I don't wanna do this but we have to call child protective services then he walked out the room.

Summer in the top thingy 

But ok guys comment and like and text me for story ideas and shout outs 

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