The truth is out

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Grayson's pov

I couldn't sleep thinking about Ethan stealing y/n away from me. I decided to text him.


Me : Yo E you awake

~no reply~

Me: Ethannn

~no reply~

Ugh fuck it i'm just gonna wait til tomorrow.

~ The next day ~

"E!" I knocked impatiently on Ethan's bedroom door. No answer. I knocked louder. Still no answer

A tired looking E opens up the door while rubbing his eyes.

"Whaaattt??" He asks, looking annoyed. I quickly come in and close his bedroom door.

"Ethan. I need to ask you something. It's really important and I need to know" I said whild tapping my foot on the ground eagerly.

"What is it? Hurry up i'm freaking tired." Ethan said looking pissed off.

"Do you still like y/n?" I ask, he better say no or else imma whoop his ass.

"Ughh why are you asking me this questions at 6am in the fucking morning. Yeah I do whyy" My anger boiled up when he said yes.

"Listen up big bro. I like y/n too. And this time, i'm not letting you steal her away from me just like what you did with Kay. If I see you flirting or doing any funny moves with y/n, your dead meat" I said making sure he understands me.

"It's not your choice Gray! It's her choice to choose whoever she wants to be with! Your neither controlling her life nor mine. So stfu and stop being a control freak!" Ethan said which knock some sense into me but i don't care. I just turned around and left.

Ethan's pov

Wtf has gotten into Gray? Why is he being so overprotective over y/n? Why does he gets so jealous quickly? He's such a creep. He has never been like this since the past 18 years. Is y/n that special to him? Should I just let Grayson have her? But I love y/n too..

Your pov

I woke up to the sound of people arguing. I was pretty sure it was Ethan and Grayson. I put my ear against the wall to hear what were they fighting about.

My jaw dropped when I realised it was about me. Holy shit what have i done. Now their relationship are broken apart because of me..they don't deserve a girl like me..i'm just a hypocrite who doesn't wanna own up their mistakes.

A tear escaped my eye as I slowly went back to bed.

"Ting!" My phone buzzed meaning i received a text. It was from Ethan.

Ethan: hey y/n, me and gray need to talk to you for abit. Could you come outside?

Me: yeah sure.

Ethan: alright cool thanks:)

I felt nervous and walked out of my room slowly. I saw both of their faces which scared me a little as i've never seen them so serious before.

"Now y/n. The truth has to be revealed. Is it me or Gray." Ethan said while looking deep into my eyes.

"I don't know i'm sorr-"

"Choose y/n. Me or Gray"

"I can't Ethan and you'll never know why!" And with that i turned around and ran into my room, locking the door. I sunk to the ground, crying and crying till my eyes were swollen. I can't do this anymore. I have to spit out the truth. I opened the door and went back in the living room.

"I'm sorry okay. Now i'll tell you the reason why I can't choose between you or Gray." They were shocked to see me again.

"One night, i was at a bar with my friends. I got drunk. I didn't know what happened but the next morning, i found myself in a bed with a boy. Not just any boy, but he was my brother. I ran home and when i saw the news, it says that the police came and arrested my brother because of rape. There was a cctv hidden in the room and the news showed it to the entire world. My mom was angry at me and i was kicked out of the house. But this past few days, i've been vomiting and i don't know if i'm pregnant. I'm sorry. If you guys won't forgive me, i totally understand. I should pack my bags and leave" i explained. I walked into my room with a sigh.

"Wait! Y/n!" Ethan holds me back by my shoulder.

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