❤️Insecure harry hook ❤️

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This one is requested by thomasdoherty_love I hope this I okay 💛💛

When Laurencia feels insecure when girls are flirting with Harry but Harry wants Laurencia so he asks her to be his girlfriend 💛💛

Laurencia PoV
Seeing girls flirt with with Harry was hard for me I don't know why but it made me feel all all mushy I'm not usually like this. I looked out my dorm's window to see Harry taking with Carlos's while girls were all over him. Evie asked me if I could come to sleepover tonight I wasn't sure at first. But I would probably not be doing anything so I said yes I actually am very excited about it, I haven't really been to a sleepover before so it might be fun, I was getting my bag ready to go to Evie's dorm when i heard a knock on the door. "Come in"I shouted "hello" I heard that familiar voice I feel   I love with. Harry doesn't know that I like him he thinks, I just like him as a friend my.       thoughts where interrupted,when Harry, said why you packing a bag going somewhere. Yeh I'm actually going to Evie's dorm to have a sleepover, a sleepover he said, yeh you know when you go to other peoples dorms and you do makeovers and stuff yeh that. I know what a sleepover is I might have lived on the isle of lost but I'm not dumb. I know your not I said smiling at him.why are you going to the sleepover, I thought we where going to hang out. Because Harry it will be fun and plus I get  to hang around with girls for a chance. Aren't you going to be busy hanging out with all they girls. What are you taking about don't lie harry I see the way all the girls follow you around the school, "no they don't"  he says slightly yelled. yes they do harry I see them flirting with you and trying to get with you, no what I'm out of here I don't know what is wrong with you but talk to me when you have calmed down he says waking out of my dorm room. He doesn't. Realise what this does to me when girls flirt with him. I just carried on packing my bag for Evie's sleepover I I felt tears in my eyes.

Harry's PoV
I don't know what had got into Laurencia she seemed angry at me I haven't done anything to her it's not my fault girls flirt with me. I don't like any one of them I like her I always have since the first day I meet her I didn't tell her because I didn't want to ruin our friendship,
When I walked out of Laurencia's dorm I had to show her that none of these girls are like her and she is more beautiful and talented than them. So I went to one person that I knew that knows about love Evie I know it's a bit risky because she is friends with Laurencia but I have to try. so I went straight to find Evie went to her dorm, I knocked on the door hopefully she would help me I thought. She opened the door oh hey Harry what you want, umm I was wondering if you could help me. Hmm it depends what with, come in she let me into her dorm take a seat she says pointing to a chair, so you need my help. Yes I said okay spill she said standing in front of me with her arms crossed, I was wondering if you could help me with asking Laurencia to be my girlfriend,
WAIT WHAT!! Evie shouted umm I wonder if you could I know what you said but the famous Harry hook asking out a girl. Asking me  for. help. Yes I really need it I want to show her that she is worth it, we'll since you want it so bad I guess I can help you but it has to be tonight you ask her. I know I said wait I have a great idea she says, well since she is coming to my sleepover. She will come to my dorm no girls will be there and you saw a little speech about how you want her to be your girlfriend blah blah blah and there plan sorted. Umm are you sure about this I asked a bit unsure about the plan. Yes I'm sure now go and make your speech. And be there at six she says pushing me out the door. But wait I can't tell the time. Just be there when it is getting dark okay she sis pushing me out the door, when she closed the door. Okay Harry you can do this not hard at all.

Laurencia PoV
I feel bad for harry now I was kinda rude to him it's not his fault, that everyone likes him and flirts with him. And I wouldn't blame him asking one of them to be his girlfriend they are pretty smart and I'm just his friend nothing more. When I thought about this tears started coming out of my eyes, gosh why am I crying i said out loud. The sleepover is really soon I was excited before but now I really can't be bothered to go, but I can't do that to Evie. When i stopped crying. I went and looked in the mirror. And looked at myself and told myself I could do this, I can go and have fun once I finished my little pep talk it's was almost time for me to go to Evie's. I got my bags ready and looked in the mirror before, i walked out the door to go to Evie's once I walked to Evie's dorm room, I knocked on the door waiting for the blue haired girl to answer the door I waited no one opened the door Evie I said. That's strange. She asks us to be here at this time I thought I would just walk in to see if anyone else was there I walked in to see no one it was dark tho hello I said I'm here for the party. "Hello Evie mal I shouted. There not here I turned around to be meet by Harry's blue eyes
"GOSH!!Harry you gave me a fright i shouted"
Harry what are you doing here I said shh don't talk he said walking over to me, I want you to know some things and I want to ask you something. I could feel my heart beating so fast, Umm so Listen I have been wanting to tell you this for a long time, but I was scared to tell you i didn't want to ruin our friendship. I have liked you from day one, and I have never stoped loving you since that day and I have never felt like this in my life and when, those girls flirt with me I don't pay attention because all I think of is you and how gorgeous you are and how you always try to stay positive and your smile. And your eyes I could go on and on but it's true you are perfect to me and I don't care if you think your not because your not like other girls your unique and I love it, I was in tears harry I said looking up, I'm not done yet I have a question to ask you, I had butterflies in my stomach. Laurencia um gosh I have never done this before I laughed at his cuteness he took my hand, will you be my girlfriend I couldn't stop crying, yes Harry yes a millions times yes he picked me up and spun me around once he put me down, we started to lean in and then our lips reached this was my first kiss and it was amazing once we broke away he looked Down to me I love you he whispered, i love you too.

So that was my first request and I really enjoyed writing it I hope it was okay for you
thomasdoherty_love  I tried to follow the storyline I hope that's what you wanted and thank you for requesting this I will see Yous guys soon byeeeeeeeee 💛💜💜💛💜✨

So that was my first request and I really enjoyed writing it I hope it was okay for youthomasdoherty_love  I tried to follow the storyline I hope that's what you wanted and thank you for requesting this I will see Yous guys soon byeeeeeeeee 💛💜💜...

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Since it was harry imagine why not give you some gifs of the cutest pirate on earth 😍😍💜💜

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Since it was harry imagine why not give you some gifs of the cutest pirate on earth 😍😍💜💜

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