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"Nervous?" Becky turned to look at the young woman. The pair were riding the elevator up to the 5th floor conference room.

"Yeah. It's been a while." The brunette did her best to still her trembling knee.

"Relax kiddo. You deserve to be here. We all know it." Becky wrapped an arm around the midfielder's shoulders.

"But what if I get hurt again?" The tremble in her voice betrayed the lingering fear.

"Then you will be devastated. You will mourn and cry and be upset with the world. And that is ok. Your family will be there to help support you and prop you up until you can stand on your own again. We would get you through the required rehab and back on the field again. We will always have your back Andi."

"Thanks momma." Andi leaned her head on the blonde's shoulder for the duration of the ride.

The two women stepped off the elevator and headed down towards the conference room. The murmur of multiple conversations floated through the cracked door to meet them. The pair halted just outside it.


"Absolutely." Andi was ready to surprise her special someone. Jill had agreed to not add her to the roster until the meeting had taken place. How Becky convinced her, Andi will never know. On second thought, Andi wasn't sure she wanted to know.

Becky smiled and entered first. Andi heard the chorus of "Hey Broon" as the women noticed her arrival before returning to their own conversations. The midfielder counted to 30 to give the older woman time to sit before she stepped inside.

"Sunshine!" Andi's eyes went straight to the source of the voice. They always did. Blue eyes locked onto green ones. It took only a moment for Jane to snap out of her stupor and clamber over Megan and Taylor to get to her. Jane wrapped her girlfriend in a bear hug and refused to let go.

"Aww that's adorable." Abby sighed as she leaned on Sammy. "Why don't we have moments like that?"

"Because we are with each other all of the time. Literally. We play for the same teams and there is no offseason." Sammy deadpanned.

"You certainly have picked up Carli's dry sense of humor." Abby huffed playfully before snuggling into Sammy's side. She wouldn't change the midfielder, Carli imitation and all.

Jane only released Andi when she suspected that Andi was running out of fresh air. The blonde couldn't stop grinning. She knew Andi was coming along in her rehab and even played a bit for Stanford, but Jane didn't expect Jill to call her back up so soon.

"What are you doing here?"

"Joining camp. Dawn and the medical staff have been in close contact with Stanford about my recovery, fitness level, and playing time. They thought I was ready to get back into camp and possibly see some minutes depending on how practice goes." Andi grinned as she spoke. It was the best news she could dream of after a long, arduous recovery.

"And you didn't tell me? Me? Of all people?!" Jane huffed and crossed her arms, hurt that Andi kept this large of a secret from her.

"Calm down. I didn't tell you because I wanted to surprise you and the team. The whole staff, Becky, and Lys were in on it." Andi tried to sooth Jane's ruffled feathers as she placed a hand on her girlfriend's forearm.

"Sorry babe. I just can't believe you are here." Jane grinned again. She couldn't stay mad at her sunshine no matter how hard she tried.

"You're forgiven. Let's go sit." The brunette had caught the look Jill shot her. The coach wanted to start her meeting.

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