Old Lover On The Left Path, I'm On The Lost One

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   ( siu's pov )

I went to the meeting after we tested out the genins skills, I suggested them,  And headed home, I was exhausted. I opened the door to my house to find a letter lying on the ground, who would send me a letter. I picked it up, closed the door and headed to the kitchen. I sat down and opened the letter, as soon as i opened it I recognized the handwriting. 

" Itachi " I mumbled, I started reading it.

Dear Siu

     It's been a long time siu, to long in fact. It's been three years since our last meeting, I was hoping you might be able to meet me in the same spot we met three years ago, If tonight isn't to much to ask. I hope I'll see you there. 

I set the letter down gently, " three years," I started, " I've been dieing to see him" I said jumping out of my chair. I ran out of my house, ran threw the town to the front entrance to the gate. 

" where you going" one of the people at the front gate asked. 

" I just need to be surrounded by forest, I got nothin better to do" I told them. 

" well you could probibly get the hokage to give you a mission" he suggested.

" na, i'm good" I told him, I ran out of the front gate running as fast as my legs would carry me to the middle of the dead forest, it's the only completely abandoned spot we could find that was close to the village. When I started slowing down I started looking for the tree that had mine and itachi's name on it inside a heart, we made that symbol on a tree 5 years ago. I was looking for only a couple minutes when I finally found it, the tree. When itachi left, I was fully willing to go with him but he didn't want me to live a life like that, he wouldn't let me come with him.

I Put my hand over the symbol and smiled happily, I finally get to see him after three long years. I sat down leaning on the tree and looking around. This could have been a trap from the village, no they wouldn't know about the meeting 3 years ago. Plus the handwriting they wouldn't be able to copy.  

I heard footsteps coming my way, from a while away. It could be someone else, just in case i hid behind the tree so when the person gets here they wouldn't be able to see Me. I waited for about a couple minutes when someone with a black cloak with red clouds on it come out of the brush and wearing the cloak is someone i've been waiting to see for three long years. I teleported in front of him and hugged him as hard as i could.   

" One day without you is too long" I told him so happy I could see him.  

" I still don't see how you can teleport" He said hugging me back, " you don't even use hand signs" he told me happily. 

" I still don't see how you can use the mangekyou it doesn't have any hand signs" I said sarcastically, I let him go and now we were standing face to face.

" good point" He said with a smile, before i teleported to him he looked so expressionless, I guess he has to since he joined the akatsuki he has to seem expressionless all the time. 

Something shifted in the bushes, " what was that" I mumbled under my breath, I shifted away from itachi and pulled out a kuni. " A spy" I mumbled. " come out" I said loudly. 

" Alright you caught me Siu" Someone said something out with their hands up, They had a anbu mask on. " what are you planning" He asked seriously. 

" Can we kill him" Itachi asked me leaning over my shoulder.  

" if he dies people will get suspicious" I told him. 

" of what exactly" Itachi asked. 

" I'm not going to kill anyone itachi" I said putting my kuni away, " If only they knew" I mumbled. 

" They can't" Itachi told me

" I know, But the 3rd hokage knows" I whispered to him. 

" he can't just let you off the hook" Itachi whispered. 

" you leave, I'll worry about this" I told him, 

" I can.." he started. 

" Leave kit-kat" I said pushing him off a little, damn he's grown. He's so much taller than the last time i saw him, he's cuter, and I just want to kiss him but currently their is no time.

He disappeared, a part of me was happy that he was gone so he would be safe, but the other half of me loathed him leaving. I had to come up with a excuse, maybe I was just playing the part to lead him into a trap, ya, no, that wouldn't work if he was older and knew about me and itachi. 

" chase him" The voice said bringing his arm up. 

" Don't, You'll end up dead. Talk to the 3rd hokage if you want to understand, or better yet the elders. Their the ones that launched the orders right." I said in low key. 

" black lightning, The only jounin that refuses to kill a soul, You would rather just keep them alive" The anbu said. " That's nothing but torture, So you're with itachi, the akatsuki perhaps" he said seriously. 

" Like i said talk to the elders, their the ones with the answers. I'm afraid if i tell you why i'm here, me, you, and everyone that heard will be executed." I told them seriously. 

" are you here on a mission then" he asked. 

" yes, and don't chase itachi" I said " it would have worked if you hadn't interfered" I said rather annoyed. 

The anbu dropped his arm with full trust in me, How fuelish. 

" I'm leaving, I need to do some work" I said rather quickly and teleported out of sight back to my house. " That was close" I said falling onto my big couch. 

"Meow" My cat sang jumping onto the couch. 

" Hey siki" I said petting her head. " you're adorable you know" I said scratching her head. I could have swore she smiled, even if she is a cat i could swear. 

" Meow" She sang again, I sank into a deep sleep, A Sleep that comes with dreams, dreams of your darkest desires or your darkest fears. 

I was at a grave with a rose in my hand, I looked at the name. Itachi uchiha, with it The traitor of our village. No how could he of died, no. The scenery shifted almost as if i went back in time. Me and itachi were on a field, but i was watching myself talking and moving. one of my eyes were completely black, I tried to pull my hand up to stop the other me but itachi exploded and she just laughed after licking up blood that was on her arm. 

" No" I yelled, I fell onto my knees, something i that hasn't came out for a long time like this started dripping down from my eyes to the ground. 

" Foolish, He's S class criminal right. Look at all the blood, don't you just want a taste" She said likcing up some more of itachi's blood. 

" No, I love him i would never" I screamed. 

" No you will, that grave was made because of you, he died because of you, when he left the village he didn't want you to come because he never loved you, so be his destruction." She told me. I tried teleporting away but it didn't work, " that won't help you, ever" She said evilly. 

( kikashi pov ) 




I was kind of annoyed, I could be reading but I'm nothing but a messenger to go grab siu. I knocked for the third time. I new she was in there I could sense her.  




" coming in" I yelled. I opened the door, It was unlocked. I came in to notice someone was on her couch, white hair, and siu's cat was lying on her face. She disappeared, almost like she teleported. " what happened to siu" I said, " I better tell the hokage".  

Word count: 1438  

( WHAT'S HAPPENING? You'll have to wait to find out.)  


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2017 ⏰

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