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"I wish I wasn't influenced so easily then." Well to be honest, I wish for a lot of things, as does the average human being.

"Oh come on, every 13 year old looks to someone or something for guidance of some sort."

"I know Cory, but every other kid turned out normal, why didn't I?"

"Normality is totally overrated though."

I roll my eyes and stand up from my spot on the grass. I had been sitting next to my best friend, Cory, who leaning back against the same tree as me. After I brushed off my pants, I grabbed my bag and began walking with Cory back to my house.

This is what we do almost every day. After school, we walk to the park that only takes 30 minutes to get there and hang around for a few hours. You'd think that after doing this for so long, we'd run out of topics to discuss, but we haven't.

I met Cory in 5th grade, when I was 10. He moved in across the street from my house and of course my mom had to be a good neighbor and bring his family a house warming gift. I'm so glad she did, and that I went with her. We bonded almost right away and practically became inseparable.

"What do you define as 'normal'?" I questioned him.

"Just what the average human being acts like or looks like, and it's no fun being similar to others." He has a point I suppose.

We continued walking in silence and enjoying the weather. Winter is finally over now in New York, well hopefuly. We live in a small, little suburban neighbor with average class families.

"I just still can't believe I dyed my hair rainbow colors in 8th grade because my Aunt died hers that way. See, I'm just too easily influenced!"

"Gia, it really wasn't that bad!" Cory protested.

"So should I dye is back that way then?" I raised my eyebrow.

"No!" He quickly replied, "Plus I like your short blonde hair better." He smiled at me while throwing my hair over my face. I puffed the hair out of my face because frankly, I wash my hair so it's clean and smells good, not so that it's clean and tastes good.

As Cory and I approached our street, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled out my phone just to see a text message from my dad. The only people who really text me are my parents, Cory, and sometimes my brother when he wants something.

'Won't be home for dinner. -Dad'

Of course. I can't honestly say that I'm even disappointed anymore. Our family used to eat together at least 5 nights a week, but for about the past few years, my dad is constantly working late. My mom hates cooking now because my dad used to blow off dinner so many times, it ruined cooking for her. Which is a shame because she loved it so much.

Now, I usually just cook something up quickly for my brother and I, and my mom will just eat cereal.

"You're dad?" Cory questioned me.

"How'd you guess?"

"Well it was between your mom and your dad, so I just took a shot." He smiled at me. He is always so happy and positive is seems, I'm jealous.

"He just told me that my mom and him were on a date night." I lied.

"I think it's great that they do that, I know it makes my parents happier when they go on their's." He comments as we arrive at my house.

"I agree. See you tomorrow?"

"Gia, remember I have an all day field trip tomorrow so I can't take you to school in the morning. I told you about this like a week ago." Cory explained. And he had, I'd just forgotten.

"Of course, then I will see you over the weekend?"

"Yeah, I'll let you know." With that, we parted ways, I walked up my front steps and into my house.

I wasn't going to school tomorrow. I don't go unless Cory's there. I only have one class with him, but it's at the end of the day and it keeps me going all day. Tomorrow was a Friday anyway, so we probably wouldn't really do anything.

Sometimes I'm not 100% sure how much attention my parents pay to my brother and I. My mom is usually in her office working from 8 in the morning until sometimes 11 at night, and my dad usually stay late at the office. This left me to make my brother and I dinner most nights, which was fine because I'm not too bad of a cook according to my brother, Tag.

Tag is 14, only two years younger than me, and we actually get along pretty well. Maybe it's because we understand each other so well, and I couldn't ask for a better brother.

I went into my room and threw my bag onto my bed before throwing myself down on it too. I laid there for only a few minutes before getting up and waking to my computer at my desk. I'd like to say that I'm a very introverted person, and I am, but sometimes I'm the total opposite.When I'm around people I like and trust, I'm outgoing and fun I guess, but also annoying. However, since I spend most of my time alone, I'm a fairly introverted person.

As I wait for the computer to turn on, I play a quick game of Flappy Bird, and I am pretty sure that I am the only person who still plays it but guess who doesn't care? Me! I got a new high score of 56, and if you've gotten a higher score than screw you. But, if you've gotten a lower score, then haha!

I'm so sarcastic and annoying, no wonder I don't have many friends. Anyways, I sat on my computer and watched YouTube videos all evening until about 6 and I decided to make my brother and I dinner.

"Tonight's special is Ravioli!" I spoke with enthusiasm to my brother while I was standing in front of him. He was playing xbox and it's sort of hard to get him off of it.

"Again?" He sighed.

"Yes! It's so good!"

"But we have it like twice a week." He rolled his eyes at me in an annoyed fashion.

"Because it's so yummy!"

He gave in and followed me upstairs where our food was waiting. All I do it boil it so it takes little work on my part, but I love ravioli so much, I could live off it!

As Tag and I were eating, my mom comes into the kitchen, grabs a bowl, cereal, and a glass of milk, then quickly retreats back to her office, She didn't even say so much as a 'hi' to us.

"She's just busy." I said to Tag as I noticed his sad eyes looking down at his plate.

"They both always are, aren't they?" He snaps at me before standing up and leaving the table quickly and heading back to his Xbox in the basement.

I'm not sure what I can really do at this point, I do my best to support and help him, but he needs his parents around.

I stay on the computer for about five more hours until I decide I want to go to sleep. I have no clue what I even do for hours among hours online but somehow I do. I lay in bed and listened to the silent house.

I don't even know if my dad's home yet, if my mom's still in her office, or if Tag's on his room yet, but as of now it sounds peaceful.

"DAMMIT!!!" I hear screamed.

[{~Hello, my name's Megan and I'm writing a story. About what, you ask, well you'll have to keep reading to find out~}]

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2014 ⏰

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