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~Gale POV~

I stick my tongue out slightly, bite it and frown at the *really pretty* human in front of me. I nod and hold out my hand and look up at their face expectantly. They look confused; I sigh impatiently. 

"Papers, Fresh meat." 

They look at me even more confused and stutter, "U-uh I'm  uh not a Freshman. And you don't have to be so mean." They straightens up and pretends to spit in their hand and takes my still extended one. I make a face at them and they laughs a little. 

I shiver at the chuckle and say my name, hoping my voice isn't shaking like my body is, "-ale. *shitshitshit* *ahem* my name is Gale." 

~Blue's POV~ 

I want to giggle as they yank their hand back and turn all red. I bow; "Well Ale my name is Blue." I do giggle when they turn even more red and get a little mad. 

"I said Gale." 

"Hmm? What's that tomato? I cant hear you. You are turning sooooo red." 

They growl at me and I get a little afraid and put my hands up. They again hold out their hands, a lot more demandingly and I hand then my papers. They pale a tad and whisper something to themselves. I bend forward so they can see my face. They turn towards me, not realizing I'm right there and jump a little , holding the papers over the lower portion of their face. 

"Yo, mate, back up a bit there," they say. 

they tell me my locker is right next to theirs, which also means that we will have the same home room, again, according to the cute tomato. 

~Gale's POV~

When I finish helping this dude...... actually I'm pretty clueless as to what their gender is .... their voice was right in the middle; they have a little bit of an Adam's apple and a flat chest? I don't know. 'What the hell. It didn't matter,' I think annoyed at myself. I shoved my bag into my locker and start to head towards the cafeteria. I feel someone behind me and slow down. 

It's the... Blue. Junior, unclear gender, unclear sexuality, no idea what their background is, or who their friends are. HEY LET'S MAKE A FRIEND. 

I stop very suddenly and Blue once again runs into me and makes a weird oof sound. I laugh and turn around. "Hi again. Wanna follow me to the cafeteria? *Snort* I don't wait for an answer and yank Blue in that direction again. 

I pull them up to my friends who are already sitting, and yell an introduction to no one, waving Blue's arm around. 

I glance around, and see no one is paying attention, so I pull Blue over to another table and stare awkwardly at the table. A thought pops into my head and I suddenly ask, "Hey, what's your first period?" And then look up at their face. 

Blue is intently staring at my face with a guarded look. Our eyes connect and they nervously glances down at their open palms, like they are looking for something to hold. "Harpy's. Social Studies." 

"MEE TOOO!!! Come on! I heard he's chill. We can go hangout in his room until the bell rings. and then just stay in there. BUT come on!" 

Blue nods, looking a little shocked at how loud I was, but I explain as we head back to our locker for our supplies. "I have no volume control. Honestly it's pretty bad." 

Blue laughs and I chuckle along with them. We make it to our lockers to grab our stuff and up to G hall without much conversation. When we sit down in the class we talk about lots of stuff. 

They turns into a he. He told me I was whatever I wanted him to be and I slyly said soooooo mine. He laughs, embarrassed, so i punch his shoulder and say a little too loud "I was only joking". 

Joking..... righhhht. 

I ask him a boring get to know you kinda question, "Soooo you got any siblings?" 

Blue's smiles a shakes his head, "Nooo," he begins mockingly, "But I have SO many cousins. They're all tiny and energetic. And adorable." He pulls up a picture of their last family photos and I have to agree, tiny and adorable. And defiantly energetic - half of them couldn't hold still for the duration of the picture. 

The bell rang again, interrupting our conversation; class had started. I turn around and listen to all the first day stuff I hear like a broken record every year from each class I go to. After about 5 minutes of Harpy droning on, I get tapped on the shoulder and piece of paper handed to me. 

Wanna play Truth or Dare? 

Sure. I smiled at the paper and then then turned around and *not so* sneakily handed it back to him, knowing Harpy probably won't care. 

This was gonna be good. 

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