15 1 1

— Adrian's POV —

  I wake up. Another day. I slip out of bed and walk to the washroom, getting my morning routine done and over with.

The bedroom door to Kyla's room squeaked as I pushed it open to enter her room, tip toeing as I silently crept up to my little sister's bed to wake her from her seemingly peaceful slumber. I knew as well as she did that this was a parents' job, but when the both of them are dead, I decided to take place as her guardian and sacrificed my own sleeping schedule along with my mental health for her.

"I don't want to go to school.." Kyla groaned as she woke up and rubbed her tear stained cheeks. It's been hard on us both, I can admit.

"I hear you sister, but do you see me whining?" I responded with a chuckle and turned to her closet to pick out her outfit for the day and once I was done with that I walked into the kitchen.

"Breakfast is on the counter and your bag is at the front door." I called or to her to get the response of a small, little girl's Russian yell.

I usually wake up at around 4:25 every morning or I don't even sleep and do necessities such as showering, brushing my teeth, doing my hair and whatever else I might need to do, and after I was done with everything for myself, I did as much as I could for Kyla which usually included waking her up, checking her homework, packing her bag and making her breakfast.

I was snapped out of my little tired daydream when I felt a little hand tug at my fingers. Looking down I saw the sad face of Kyla.
"Big Bear, I miss papa and mama..." She sniffled and at the exact moment I gathered her in my arms and kissed her squishable cheeks.

"I miss them too, but they are in a better place now, and you know they miss you too."

- Time Skippy -

The first bell rang, I had already dropped little Kyla off at her school and I'm probably already late. I step into the front doors of the high school and walk to my locker, Aetes and Theo laughing as they talked around me. I was the brute in the group, as I don't talk.. at all. I groan and grab my stuff for L.A. And Math, jogging to my class and getting ready to do work.

"So, seen as some people can't really handle being around each other, I've decided to change up the seating plan." The teachers voice rang.

"Jonathan beside Ariel, Amira beside Lucile, Kyle beside Kieran, Emerald beside Kai.." the list went on until me and Kasin were the last ones, sitting in the back near the windows.

We both sit down with sighs, not looking at one another.
'God why'd I have to be so slow yesterday?' I thought to myself, still stressing from yesterday. This morning didn't seem to help all that much with my mood today, so I just shut almost everything out until something happened.

My phone started to buzz inside of my pocket, "John, may I go to the washroom?" I asked, hoping to be let out quickly.

I quickly ran to the washroom, picking up and hearing Kyla's elementary school secretary, "Hello? Is this Kyla Giecks caretaker?"

"Yup, that's me, what's wrong?" I Ask. I hear crying noises and sniffling, immediately feeling scared.

"She's having a minor break down, she's saying that the kids were bugging her about her parents."

"They were? Is she okay? Can you please put her on the phone?"

"Yes just a moment." I heard shuffling and louder sniffling, then the familiar sound of Kyla's voice.

"B-Big Bear??"

"I'm here, Baby bear, what's wrong?"

All I hear is crying from the other side of the phone and I can't help but almost tear up too.

"Kyla, please don't cry.. you're gonna make me cry. Now, what did I tell you just last night?"

"I need to be strong and proud, and don't back down." Kyla said in a rhyming voice, "Yeah.. but they're really being mean.."

"Then stand up to them. You got this baby bear, don't let yourself be trampled on baby bear."

"Oh okay. By Adrian! See you at home! Also, how many sleeps till I get to read you a bedtime story?"

"Hmm.. how about tonight if your good?" I say, hearing small laughter behind the phone.

Kyla responds with a "Yeah!!" And then Hangs up, leaving me with a small smile

I turn and see Kasin, a smile on his face with his book bag in hand. Once he notices me looking at him, his smile drops and he immediately cowers away, whispering silent apologies about eavesdropping.

"Hey, about yesterday, sorry that I didn't finish, I meant to say that I think I-" I was again interrupted by the bell, sighing and tucking my phone away, "Never mind.. talk later."

"Wait! Before you go, I need your number. J-Just so that we can talk some more." Kasin says, walking up to me with his own phone opened with the 'new contacts' thing. I feel the heat rise on my cheeks slightly as I put in my number, waving and saying goodbye.

The day goes by in a flash, the last bell chiming as we all pack up our items and head out.

I struggle walking out of the halls, pushing and shoving to escape this hell hole. The amount of people shouting and screaming was too much. I sigh and continue on my way.

- Time Skip again -

I look at my phone and as soon as I do it buzzes.

Text from: Kasin ❤️❤️
Hey, wanna meet at the park?
You can bring Kyla if you'd like.

Yeah, sure! I'm glad you asked.
I'll probably bring her and her friend.

  We plan and plan until consensus is reached. I call over to Kyla to get her coat ready and tell her friend to do the same. We head off to the park in little to no time and see Kasin there. I let the girls go play and sit down at a bench with Kasin and sigh, looking over at him and basking at his bright smile.

"Hey.. So, you wanted to talk?" I Ask, having a higher pitch at the end to emphasize the question type sentence.

"Yeah. I just want to know what you were going to say." He responds with his fluffy and smiley voice.

"Oh.. yeah." I pause, thinking if I should say it here. I sigh and look down.

"Kasin.. I think I like you."

Thanks to cactrust for the first bit!! Just a reminder that this is a two person story and will be worked on almost every day. It will probably get to the point of every other day if I want to make the chapters slightly longer.

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