Chapter 6: Past

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This is all before Virgil and Thomas walk by the alley.

??? Pov

I watch as Thomas ,"alone" , walk out of his house. I can tell he only has one follower. Personally if  Thomas wasn't well "him" we wouldn't have to try and contain his personality. So far everything else we've tried hasn't gone to well. Never mind that. I make the signal to the rest of the "Containers" that he's left and is only 3/4 alone.

Patton's Pov

"Oh Logan I don't know about this!"

"This doesn't feel right!" I say.

"What ever do you mean Patton? It is late at night no one but drug dealers and teenagers are up. Thomas has anxiety with him I'm sure they'll avoid those thing altogether." Logan reminded me.

"Oh I guess your right." I stated distantly. My mind was just saying WRONG WRONG WRONG. but there was nothing that could go wrong. Everyone is so nice! WRONG WRONG WRONG. I....think. My parental side of me kicks in. They don't have an adult with them! What if they see drugs and don't know what they are!

"Patton. I'm sure Virgil and Thomas know what drugs are and or look like."

"I said that aloud didn't I?"

"Yes you did my dear side!" Roman chimes in.

"What's gotten Mr. Fluff all 'parent mode'?"
While Logan explained I zoned out. What's gotten into me? I'm supposed to be happy pappy Patton! But I. I just feel so on edge. Oh I don't know maybe I could just pop into Thomas' mind and just make sure they're okay.
Present time
Still Patton's Pov

"Awwwwww" Thomas squealed as I should him the picture of the two opposite side cuddling in the next room. "I KNOW RIGHT!" I screech. "They're so sweet!"
Shhhhhhhh I KNOW ITS SHORT! I just wanted to get it out there so i could torture you guys with waiting to see what's up with the "So sweet sides" and so I could start on the hurt/comfort. >;} also I leave for what a few days after posting yet ANOTHER A/N and I get so much love and support. I honestly though no one would comment or even read my stories. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! Anyway sorry for being annoying and only doing a REALLY SHORT chapter.
-Lunar ;)
Also in total 320 reads. What?!!

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