Job 1: Usual routine

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                        Third Person's     POV(Point of view) 

                         Mio Yamada shook her head as she hurried down the pathway to the main building. She glanced at her outfit once again. She was wearing protocol uniform of Scepter 4 members, well sort of protocol. She wore long baggy navy blue pants that went over the top of her boots till it was only four inches to touch the ground. Her navy blue jacket was loosely buttoned to the middle and the jacket went down to her knees.  Her bright orange hair was tightly put in  a bun and her glasses were pushed up all the way up the bridge of her nose.  She was a member of the General Affair's section.

                    Mio turned to enter the building as she walked down the halls glancing around keeping an eye out for a man with dark brown hair.  There were none in her sight. She gave a sigh of relief as she turned the corner and enter a room that had a sigh with the words 'General Affairs'

                  ''Morning Yamada!''  said a cheerful clerk of the General Affairs. Mio turned her head towards the clerk who was none other then, Yayoi Yoshino. 

''Hi Yoshino.'' Mio replied giving a soft smile as she pulled open the door to her very small office, before she sat down at her desk. She soon logged in and pulled up a new paperwork. As she started typing away she remember the time she and Saruhiko Fushimi met.

                                      ----       Flashback  ----

                     Mio hurried down the pathway her  usual bun was slightly messy, and her buttons were all open. She was definitely late. She skidded to a stop in front of the door to  Lieutenant  Seri Awashima's office. She gave a couple knocks.

                 ''Come in, Yamada.''  came a voice behind the door. Mio slowly opened the door. 

''Pardon my intrusion..''  she said as she took a step in to see Seri with a man she didn't recognize.  The man had messy dark brown hair, with blue eyes framed with rectangular black glasses.  He wore Scepter 4 uniform, but his selves were rolled up to his elbow showing purple wristbands. His jacket was left open up to show a white shirt with a grey waist coat, not to mention dark blue trousers with knee high black boots.

            Mio glanced at Seri slightly confused on what was going on. ''Yamada, this is Fushimi Saruhiko. He's joining Scepter 4 in the Information Branch.'' Seri said casually as she sat at her desk. Mio gave a stiff nod.

 ''So, Why am I here...?'' She asked uncertainly. Seri just gave a soft smile. 

''Just show him around, is that simple enough?''  Saruhiko looked slightly annoyed with the answer Seri gave.  ''Off you go, you two.''  she said as Mio and Saruhiko left the room.

           ''I'm going to be fine by myself.''  Saruhiko said as soon as they were out of the office. Saruhiko started walking ahead of her due to the fact she was 5'1'' while he was 5'10'', he also had longer legs then her.

''B-but! It's Awashima's order!'' She ran up behind him. 

''So what?''

''I want to do my job properly!''


''Let me just show you up to the Dormitory, 'cause I honestly like to do my job properly!''

''....Tch. Fine.''

              He gave a sigh as he turned around staring blankly at her. ''But, before we start why are you so serious about this?'' Mio gave a curt nod as she started walking towards the Men's Dormitory.

 ''I just want to do my job properly, 'cause I have a lot of pride in it.''  she replied as she neared the building. Saruhiko slowed to a stop making Mio glance back at him.

            ''Pride? What a stupid thing.''  Saruhiko said with a sneer. He took a step towards her pushing her into a nearby corner.

 ''What?! Excuse me! Of-''  Mio began to protest but he just put his hand over her mouth. 

''Hush. ''  he whispered as he stared into her green eyes with his blue orbs.  '' Mio your going to see me quite often. '' he gave her a smirk as he said this before heading towards the Men's dormitory. While Mio slid down the wall her face beet red.

                          -----  End of Flashback ----

                                        Mio Yamada's POV 


                    I shook my head best to get him out of my thoughts. I glanced back at the document pulled up at my screen. Ugh. So much grammar corrections! Why can't they know how to spell better?! ''What a idiot'' I mumbled as I selected editing mode and started correcting grammatical mistakes.

                      Soon I heard the door to my small office open but I barely look up due to the fact I was busy typing.  ''Who is it? What do you need?'' I asked curtly as I continued to edit.

 ''Ah. So cold Mio-chan~''  my finger hovered over the A key as I glanced up to be met with deep blue eyes.  

''..Fushimi..''  I mumbled taken aback.


Kouhai-Means like a junior or someone who is new at something you've been there for a longer time.


Author's Note: 

  Alright! Here's the first chapter, what cha think? Leave a comment about it!

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