She's the President's Daughter

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Khyrlle Alexandra Salvatierro's life changed when her father ran as a president. 

A man that will serve the country...


"I don't like this kind of life. Being the president's daughter isn't that easy."  

Being the president's daughter, Khyrlle Alexandra Salvatierro doesn't like to be popular or get someone's attention. She just wants to live a normal life for a teenager like her. 

All she wants is to go to school and have friends just like any other teens with her age. She hates it when people around her sees her as the president's daughter, and not who really she is. She hates it, when people judge the way she wears clothes, she talks, and even what perfume she's using.

Khyrlle asked her parents to transfer her to a school. But little did she know that the school she was transferred to was a prestigious school for elites or people who was born with a silver spoon. So, she disguised herself as someone else...

 a nerd.


This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author's imagination, or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

The language of this story is TagLish or Tagalog & English. Before reading this, make sure you understand the language.

So, this is my new story. Let me know your thoughts about this upcoming story. This isn't the chapter 1. Hope you'll like this and look forward to chapter 1. Good luck and love you guys!

©2017 All Rights Reserved.

Written by TamadWriter


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2017 ⏰

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