At the Hospital

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I rushed to the hospital after receiving that message. I took the cab to arrive there as quickly as possible. As I was stuck in a heavy traffic, I decided to text Taeyeon's friend.

"Hi, I am currently stuck in traffic, so I'm sorry I might make you wait for too long."

A few minutes after waiting for a reply, my phone vibrated and I was shocked when I saw that the text was from Taeyeon

"Hey, it's okay :) I'll wait for you. Take care"

I replied:

"What happened?"

My heart thumped when I read her reply, and a smile suddenly appeared on my face.

"You'll know when you get here :) I miss you"


Approximately 30 minutes later, I have finally reached the hospital. I was greeted by the front desk woman and she asked me who I am going to visit. I told her Kim Taeyeon and I told her that I already know the room number, not the location itself. She told me to take the lift to the third floor since the first number of Taeyeon's room is 3, so it is on the third floor; then walk straight ahead and turn right and the first room that I'll see will be room 309.

I followed the front desk woman's directions, so I took the lift to the third floor. A doctor was with me on the lift, he looks quite nice and approachable. I tried to read his nametag and I saw his last name, Lee. He noticed that I was trying to read his name tag so he smiled at me. I really don't care about his name, I don't know, my eyes seems to be curious about a lot of things. Just like the times when I'm on the train and the person next to me is texting. I always take a quick peek on the contact name. I honestly don't care, I think it's just a habit. I don't know if I'm the only one doing that, but I think it's weird.

"So you're a therapist, huh?" he suddenly said. I was shocked on the sudden remark, but then I realized that I also have a name tag on my shirt, I did came from my office but I forgot to take off my name tag. "I've actually consulted a therapist before I become a doctor. My parents wants me to be a doctor, but I have fears, a lot of fears. And the hospital is one of it. Since I don't want to bring my parents down, I approached a therapist. And it worked very well. You must be a good therapist" he said with a smile, I blushed. " keep on doing what you're doing, I know you're helping a lot of people, and I salute you for that since your job is kind of hard." He added, just in time for me to reach the third floor. I feel overwhelmed, no one has ever complimented me like that before, and I feel appreciated. Sometimes things like that, I mean people like that, can help a lot of people on continuing whatever they are doing because it makes them feel like they're doing something very big, and its a good thing.

I walked towards the quiet hallway of the hospital, then took a turn on the right when I reach the end of the hallway. The first room is indeed room 309. I knocked on the door twice before opening it and entering the room. I was greeted by whom I believe was Taeyeon's friend, Sunny. Then I saw Taeyeon laying on the hospital bed while watching tv, with no wires connected to any part of her body, not a single one; which may be a good thing.

"Hey" Taeyeon said as she sat up straight and showed her usual cute smile as if nothing happened.

"Hey" I said back

"You must be Tiffany" Taeyeon's friend said, I nodded then she offered her hand and I shook it. "I'm Sunny, nice to meet you" she said.

"Likewise" I answered. My eyes moved to Taeyeon who is quietly watching us. When our eyes met, she smiled at me again. "What happened?" I asked as I sit down on the chair next to Taeyeon's hospital bed on the left side, Sunny is on the right side.

"Someone happen to pass by the road where Taeyeon was drunk driving" Sunny said. My eyes widened, why am I shocked? She did called me that night, but it feels like everything happened so fast. "Taeyeon must've stepped on the gas pedal heavily, she fell down on the cliff. It was night time but the lights of her car makes her visible. Thankfully, the cliff wasn't that deep and thanks to the driver who happened to see Taeyeon that night, he saved Taeyeon and rushed her here." Sunny explained. I examined Taeyeon's body once again since I don't see any wires connected to her. I see some scratches and bruises on her arms, which might be the because of the fall.

"There are no major injuries, if you are wondering" Taeyeon suddenly said, I felt my face heat up as I blush, she must've noticed that I was examining her body. "But I do have a minor back bone injury and some scars on my back and stomach, look" she lifted up her hospital shirt, I blushed even more when she did so. But it faded quickly when I see some cuts on her stomach and her back. Her back has lots of long and deep scratches, some even has dry blood. "I'm so lucky that my head wasn't affected at all." Taeyeon said as she pulled her shirt down. "Or else I will be dead by now." she added. I gulped, feeling scared and thankful at the same time. Scared because that would've happen if the cliff is deep, and thankful because it didn't happen.

Sunny excused herself to get some groceries for me and Taeyeon to eat. I told her that she shouldn't even bother because I'm not that hungry, but Taeyeon insisted, and I can't even fight back.

I was left alone with Taeyeon on the cold hospital room. It was quiet and weird. You know, that weird feeling when you're in a hospital. It's kind of uncomfortable.

Taeyeon must've noticed the awkward atmosphere that we have between us so she decided to break the silence. "I'm sorry for not contacting you sooner" she said.

"It's okay, I understand" I said with a reasurring smile, she smiled back but itshe looks sad. "Why?" I asked

"Why what?"

"Why do you look so sad?"

"Can you guess?"

"Miss me?" I joked and chuckled, but Taeyeon didn't. She just smiled.

"You're good at mind reading" she said with a cute, small smile. My heart froze. "Remember what you said the night that I called you?" she asked. I paused to think. Oh my, I told her that I'd kiss her if she remember what she said on the phone call.

I remembered her confession. Her drunk confession. "I still remember" Taeyeon said, interrupting my thoughts with the same cute smile. "I like you, Tiffany" she said, my I felt my heart squeeze. "You make me happy. You're the only person that I feel comfortable to tell about my problems. You're there for me. You're here for me when no one else is." she repeated the exact words that she said that night, and my heart is now beating crazily fast.

She did remember.

"So, can I get my kiss now?" she asked cutely as she points on her lips that is pouting.

How can I say no to that?

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