Chapter 1

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Quick note (2016)- Check out my new teenficton-romance book 'The Choice' on my profile. I promise its going to be huge as I am investing so much time in it. Go check it out and leave your feedback! Enjoy 'Unbelievable!' while checking the other book out 😘😘


"Mom! Where is my phone? Grandma is coming!" I said to my mum, I had already packed my suitcases as from that day I was going to live with my grandparents because I thought that was the best idea after the divorce of my mum and dad.

"I don't know honey, just give it a ring." mum told me.

I  went to bring the telephone to call my own cell phone. There it was, I found it on the sofa ringing the ringtone of One Direction, One Thing.

"Honey, are you sure about this idea?" mum had told me for the millionth time I think.

"Mum, I love you both, but I think to live with grandma is better because you know you're always at work and I'm always at home alone....but I'll still call you!" that was my answer.

  "Ok sweety, this is your choice if you change your mind just give me a call and I'll get you. "

*Ding dong*

"Oh mum she's here, I'm going, love you loads and call me every night, ok?"

"Yes sweetheart, I won't forget you, make new friends at your new school!" mum told me this because as I was going a little far I had to change school and practically start from the beginning.

"Yes mum, bye and love you!"

These were my last words to mum as I opened the door and went in my grandma's car.

"Ready to go Charlotte?" grandma said to me.

"Yes, granny" I told this to grandma as I waved to my mum from my seat. I was going to miss her so much but I knew she was going to be always with me.

*After one hour*

"Finally we're home" I said with a sigh of relief.

"Charlotte, now go to your room grandpa prepared you, unpack the suitcases and put yours clothes in the wardrobe as I'm going to start cooking"

"Ok gran, can I take a shower after please?"

"Yes of coarse, now it's your home!" grandma told me with a smile on her face.

*Five days after*

Five days have passed and it was Monday, my first day of school. I was excited and a little worried because I was a little shy and I didn't know how to introduce myself to other students. In my other school, I had only one friend whom was very close, but because of the problems I had we had to separate our lives, although we still communicated sometimes by Skype.

"Hurry up Charlotte! You're going to miss the bus!" grandpa shouted from downstairs. 

Down I went, said bye to them and off I went waiting on the side of the street for the bus to come. Finally it arrived.

*I went into the bus*

A lot of different faces were looking at me as if I did something wrong, whispering to each other. I felt like a loser among them. The first question in my mind was 'How is going to be this school and will I make any friends?'


Unbelievable! - Harry Styles Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now