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"h–hyung, he's trying to kill me.." he says those words in a rushed tone. "i.. I don't know what to do.. h–he's trying to kill me—"

"hey, slow down." taehyun bends on his knees so that he could reach donghan's position. he slowly puts his hand on the swollen part of donghan's cheeks, wiping off the instinctive tears that eradicates the art of fear. he allegedly did not have the heart to ignore the conspicuous cut that engraved the boy's pale skin. "calm yourself. you might just had a bit of a seizure."

"you don't believe me, do you?" donghan manages to get on his feet, his eyes flutter at the sudden contrast of the light. taehyun would describe his condition as a deterioration of despair; and despair wasn't ever a part of donghan's dictionary. his eyes were bloodshot red mostly caused by the intensive amount of crying he had the past hour, his hands keep trembling with the inability to stop.

taehyun pauses. "... i believe you," he finally responds before placing his hand back on donghan's shoulder. "but being mad wouldn't solve anything. all you can do now is to explain everything that happened, okay? and here, let me sterilize your wound first before it gets infected."

"are we going out of the room?"

".. the third aid kit is on the kitchen."

"then i'm not going." donghan resists as crouches back into the closet, isolating himself inside.

taehyun sighs. "donghan."

"i'm not going!"

"who exactly is this guy who's trying to kill you?" taehyun asks reverently, hoping to get a legitimate answer from the boy. donghan only stayed quiet, not able to articulate any words correctly. taehyun continues his statement. "see? you don't even know who you're facing."

"and do you really think you know who you're facing, hyung?" donghan replies sharply, glaring at taehyun in discern. "whoever it was, he deadass had cut my neck into half. i could've been dead by now."

"yeah, you could've been dead by now." taehyun repeats fondly. "the culprit could've cut your scalp in half anytime he wants, but he didn't. why? because there's no certainty that he or she really did want to kill you. so for now, you're safe."

"would that make any much of a difference, though? i still got this harry potter scar that might'll last forever."

"yes, it makes a difference. you're still alive now, and i'm grateful for that." taehyun comprehends, the gaze on his face softens. "i still have the chance to protect you when i have to. but now, it'll be pretty shitty to leave that wound to be infected, right?"

donghan nods, slowly bewitched by taehyun's pep-talk.

"now let's go." taehyun offers him a hand and donghan accepted it. whatever's going to happen to him anytime sooner, he knows that his hyung would do anything to protect him. and by that, he felt safe.

taehyun was about to open the door when donghan's phone suddenly rings again. "don't worry, i'll get it for you." taehyun replies to his dongsaeng absentmindedly, reaching out for the phone he had dealt with a few minutes ago.

that's weird. i could've sworn i turned this off completely.

the screen shows that he was receiving a call from takada kenta. of course he didn't have to hesitate to answer. "hello?" taehyun chirps, expecting a positive answer by his blissful dongsaeng.

kenta's voice is scarred, trembling in upmost fear. "hyung, whatever you do, do not open the door."

this is boring

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