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     For y'all who go where the current takes you.

     And yes, inspired by the Kendrick Lamar song.


     "Daddy, where are we going?"

     "To a planet in the Inner Rim. Jakku."

     "Oh. Never 'erd of it."

     "You might've if you paid attention to class."

     "Oh, please," she exasperated. "I've known all of these things already."


     Leia Organa held her father, Bail's hand. "Oh, dad. You make it so difficult sometimes."

     "Oh, Leia. I'm astounded at your subtleness. Or lack thereof-"

     "Let's bicker less and sail secret starships more, shall we?" she stifled a snicker.

     Silence emerged like freezing ice. Then, he broke it. "You make a good politician, Rebel, leader, and daughter, my Leia. I'm proud of you."

     She turned her head and raised an eyebrow in mock disbelief. "Oh really? I'm flattered. No, but thanks dad. Really."


     "Fellow Alderaanians. In today's State of the Planet Address, as your senator, I would like to report some findings. I have discovered that our relations to the Empire have been... tumultuous at best. Our diplomats have returned home with unsatisfactory dealings, and I myself have not been the best at keeping the monsters away- figuratively, of course.

     "I suggest the recall of all Rebellions... and store them safely, where no conflicts will emerge. Open more trade ports, secure more jobs for a better and an even more interconnected Alderaan!

     "Besides, what will happen if the Emperor doesn't refuse us, no?"

     Out came rowdy laughter, then thunderous applause, signs of "Welcome home, our princess!" and "Our senator: Leia Organa."

     Bail exhaled, shaking his head, and Leia grinned. "Thank you all."


     "Fire when ready," his sickening voice commanded.

     No. She was a Rebel leader. She was on a diplomatic mission to...


     The planet exploded into tiny crumbs, with all the culture, wildlife, environment, and people, suddenly... burnt to a crisp...

     Her head ached, her heart empty, and her soul gone with the soul of the galaxy.

     - Papa and mama are gone too. 

     It was as if they cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced-

     The blast was ginormous and scorching, even from the chills of the Death Star. Leia could only look away in disgust and denial; in a single shed of a tear.

     When the farmboy and the nerfherder got her rescued, she masked her numb grief behind a hot temper and brash façade.


     "Citizens of the young New Republic. We have fought so fiercely all these years, to bring a new era of democracy and free speech. As your public servant, a wife (of a inveterate smuggler), mother (of a dysfunctional son), daughter (of parents that didn't mean to die), and a person - (of an ever-changing galaxy), I advocate to continue this line of thinking and government for millennia.

     "Today, I'd like to initiate a galaxy-wide lockdown on all surviving Imperials. They are war criminals entrapped within a cruel cause. They will have to be prosecuted.

     "From newly-recruited Stormtroopers to the highest-reigning Grand Moffs, I also propose that it would be treason to commit oneself to the Empire."

     Murmurs filled the Senate Hall, until Supreme Chancellor Mothma silenced all.

     "I demand we ratify an Anti-Empire bill!"

     Surprisingly, both Centrist and Populist factions agreed.

     And so within weeks, Proclamation 66 - Anti-Empire Bill was implemented across the entire galaxy.


     Here lies Han Solo. 29 BBY - 34 ABY.

     "Never tell me the odds."

     Somehow, after all they've been through, she still can't bring herself to cry a tear.

     She stared at the unburied coffin, his face in that always-a-slight-monotone scowl, with his signature vest, shirt and pants.

     Ready for burial.

     Many a people wept. Some wailed for their idol.

     Leia kept all her steaming, sickly anguish inside, and in the single tear.

     And a pull of brown hair.

     And a kick of the dirt.

     And a shaky voice.

     All these memories: aboard the Death Star, on the walls of the Falcon, on Hoth, Tatooine, Endor, Ben - 

    Lost, like tears... in the rain...

     She placed trembling hands on her mouths, eyes gleaming, and shining with water.

     Perhaps she was next on the killing conveyor belt.


     "...And there goes my heartbreak hell. Cliché?"


     "Maybe the author wanted me to cry. I-I don't know anymore, Carrie..."

     Leia leaned in, finally spilling all the tears on her actor counterpart's chest.

     "Maybe the author did. But hey, makes for a good #swcprincess17, no?"

     "Yeah, it does." Her eyes burned even more. "Let's hope the word count's under 1,500."

     "Yeah. Hope."

     She smiled and looked back at Carrie, wiping away all the tears.

     "We'll always be friends. If I die, you'll have to, too. If you die first though... I'll die anyway."

     "Woah, very flattered." They both laughed until Leia hugged her again.

     "No, but thanks, Carrie. Really."


{Word count: 783 words.}

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2017 ⏰

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