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Tyler Robert Joseph. Someone you'll remember, even though he may never remember you. It's not his fault though, not since he'd been diagnosed with a short term memory disability. This made anything that he did or even tried to do a lot more difficult.

When he tried to play basketball; Tyler couldn't remember the gameplay, or even the rules themselves. When he learnt to play piano; he could barely remember the chords 'CDEFGAB', let alone how to read the notes. Eventually Tyler did succeed in both piano and basketball, but it really did take time.

Kelly and Chris, (Tyler's parents) have always homeschooled him. This way he would be able to have the time that he needed to be educated.

They taught him at home, from when he was four years old, till now. Tyler was fifteen years old and they figured going to an actual school could be good for him. He'd never had the chance to make any friends, other than his siblings - Zack, Jay and Madison. His parents were hoping he'd make at least one friend this year.

Zack was fourteen years old. He was the closest with Tyler, which was probably due to the fact they were closest in age. Although all four kids got along quite nicely.

Today was going to be Tyler's first day going to an actual school. All his siblings have already gone through this, but that was back when they were four years old. Tyler was the only one in his family that needed to be homeschooled, the rest did just fine in catholic school.


"Tyler sweetie! Wake up!" Kelly shook Tyler eagerly, earning an annoyed groan, "come on!"

It was six in the morning; she'd just bursted into his room, opened the curtains and was now shaking the sleepy boy, so he'd get ready.

"Why do I have to wake up so early?" Tyler asked, completely clueless. Kelly sighed and replied with,

"You're going to catholic school today."

"Oh. I'm sorry momma, I forgot," he frowned, disappointed in himself. She sat next to Tyler on his white bedsheets, smoothed his hair back and pressed a soft kiss to her sons forehead.

"Don't be, it's okay. Just go get ready!" she smiled sincerely and Tyler obliged.

He got out of bed, changed into almost all black clothing and fluffed up his brown hair. He checked himself out in the mirror and decided he looked decent enough to go. Once he'd eaten breakfast, they were right out the door.

The drive to school consisted of kelly asking Tyler if he had packed all the school essentials and making sure that if he felt even slightly overwhelmed, he'd call home and ask to be picked up. Tyler didn't pay much attention, as he was staring out the window at the rain, that pored down violently. Kelly seemed to be way more nervous, than Tyler himself.

"I promise momma, I'll be fine!" he laughed, as they pulled into the school parking lot.

"Okay, okay. What's my phone number? I need you to remember it."


"Oh joy," she smiled, wrapping Tyler in a short, but sweet hug, "have fun!"

"I'll try."

Tyler made his way following several other students, into the front entrance of the school as the rain pounded down, around them. He looked at each unfamiliar face, they all held a 'I really don't want to be here' kind of expression. Every one of them looked exhausted and dead inside, like a bunch of zombies walking around, Tyler thought.

Hundreds of voices were speaking at once, each talking about different topics. Tyler began to think about how every one of these students all have different things going on in their lives. Everyone is dealing with something unspoken. Everyone has different thoughts, plans, opinions and views on the world. So much was happening on earth, all at once and in separate places, it was impeccable to Tyler.

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