teen parents [g]

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word count: 1141 words

request for @aFlowerForaKiss

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request for @aFlowerForaKiss

[30th april 2020]

you and gray were only 17 when your baby boy was born. it was extremely difficult to raise a baby, especially when you were still in school. there was a lot of judgement going around at school, the jealous girls suspecting that it was not grayson's child. this was untrue as you would never even think about being unfaithful.

these comments were made to pull you and grayson apart but it only made you stronger.

"see you there okay?" grayson said, pulling you into a hug by your waist. the school day came to an end and he had a football game that night so he had to stay back and practice with his team. you nodded and kissed his cheek before making your way to your car and driving home where kayden was with your parents. your parents and gray's parents were incredibly supportive of your pregnancy which you were grateful for. it was weird for them at the beginning because you were their baby girl and carrying their grandson at such a young age. they warmed up to the idea and love kayden more than anything.

you walked into your house, instantly hearing kayden's laughs making you smile. in the living room, your dad was tickling kayden and making funny faces. kayden's face lit up when he saw you standing behind your dad and made grabby hands to you.

"hi baby!" you exclaimed and picked him up, kissing his cheeks. "hey dad."

he gave you a side hug and let you go upstairs with kayden.

"yeah you need a shower." you said sniffing kayden and making an exaggerated disgusted face which caused him to laugh. "bath time!"

you carried kayden into the bathroom, grabbing his towel on your way in. he clapped excitedly as he saw the bubbles forming in the bath and you throwing his toys into the water. after 15 minutes, you dried him off and carried him into your room where you picked out his outfit for the football game.

(a/n: imagine this baby outfit but w cute jeans and adidas sneakers)

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(a/n: imagine this baby outfit but w cute jeans and adidas sneakers)

"look at your little jersey! do you like what uncle ethan bought you?" you cooed to kayden who just laughed, pulling on the shirt slightly. you changed into black ripped jeans and an adidas hoodie, sliding on a pair of black vans. you held the diaper bag over one shoulder and kayden in the other.

"dad, kayden and i are gonna go watch gray's game!" you called out loudly as you walked down the stairs. your dad walked towards you.

"have fun and keep my grandson warm!" he kissed kayden's cheeks and kissed your head gently.

"obviously dad, his jackets in the bag." you jokingly rolled your eyes and walked towards your car. he simply laughed and walked you towards the door.

"dada!" kayden exclaimed loudly and you nodded happily.

"yeah baby, we're gonna go see dada." you put kayden's diaper bag next to him and buckled him in before beginning to drive towards the school. the game began around 5:30 so you were right on time. you parked in the school and held kayden's diaper bag over your shoulder.

"up you get." you said softly and lifted kayden out of his seat and held him in your arms. you locked the car and got a phone call from grayson. right on time.

"are you here, baby?" grayson's deep voice asked over the phone. you smiled down at kayden as you walked towards the locker room.

"yep, we're coming towards the locker rooms." you knew your way so it didn't take long to reach there. you could hear the loudness of the people at the stands as you waited outside the locker room.

"okay, i'm coming out now." he hung up and was in front of you in seconds. kayden's face lit up instantly and reached out to his dad. grayson's face mimicked his and spun him around. "hey buddy! did you miss dada?"

"dada! dada!" kayden yelled loudly, hugging his neck tightly. grayson's laugh echoed through the hall and he kissed kayden's cheek.

"hi gray." you said as he kissed your lips softly and you smiled, hugging him tightly. "do you like his outfit?"

"didn't ethan buy it? it's so cute." he laughed and admired kayden's tiny jersey. just as he said that, ethan walked out of the locker rooms and basically charged towards kayden. grayson tried resisting as he wanted to hold his son instead but let ethan take him.

"gimme him!" he said loudly, grabbing his nephew and pretending to make kayden fly. it made kayden laugh like crazy. you and grayson looked at each other laughing. his arm was around your waist as you rested your head on his shoulder. "he's wearing what i bought him too. ugh i love him."

"yes he is, he loves it." you replied with a laugh. "hi to you too, e."

"oh sorry y/n, hello. welcome to our game." ethan laughed, giving you a side hug. he was so excited to see kayden that he forgot about you. their coach walked towards youse, giving you a small nod and smile.

"nice to see you y/n. kayden." he shook kayden's small hand, pretending he's a grown man. "come on boys. it's go time."

you nodded understandingly and gently took kayden back into your arms. ethan gave kayden's cheek a long kiss before running into the locker rooms. grayson kissed kayden's head before pecking your lips gently.

"good luck out there." you said into his ear as you hugged him. he smiled and kissed your neck quickly.

"thanks baby. i'll see you out there." you nodded before walking towards the stands with your son. grayson's team ended up winning and you waited on the field as he cheered with his teammates. he spotted you and kayden and jogged towards you both.

"i told you you could do it!" you cheered as it was so loud you could barely hear anything. he grinned and hugged you both tightly.

"couldn't have done it without my biggest fans." you smiled into his chest. he sighed in content as he held his little family under his arms.


On the real tho i deadass just lost my interest in youtubers in general but i missed my fave twins & im obsessed once again 🥺🤪 i've got over 100 requests to do so ima try and do them NOW so soz to everyone who sent in requests bc i jus saw ur dms and my baddd 😓 i started uni as wellll so been hella busy but i'm lowkey back ?

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