♕ Chapter 4

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      "What? He said that to you?!" Lily gushed, squeezing her arm, when Rose had told her what happened at the dinner. Rose nodded, as she popped the straw into the milk box. She sipped the straw before putting the box down, on the bench, next to her.

           "Yes, he said that one day he'll divorce me. When everything is forgotten," Rose continued. Lily smacked her back, hard. "And you'll still marry him?" She sneered. "Wake up, sister! He said that he'll divorce you!" 

      "Well, do I have a choice, Lily?" Rose snapped, throwing her hands. "My family needs the money. Mr Jameson promised me that the bills and our debts will be settled," she explained, eyes looking down. Rose shook her head.

            "I really thought he was nice, Lil. But now I know that he's a prat," she said in hatred. The bus finally pulled in at the bus stop and they got into it. But there was something weird-everyone was staring at them; at Rose. She felt slightly awkward but slid into an empty seat.

         "Is it true, Rose?" A girl in a cheerleading uniform, who sat in front of her, turned herself facing them. "About Prince Seth and you?" She demanded. Rose gasped. How'd they know? She looked at Lily, asking for help before gulped.

            "What are you talking about?" She smirked, like she didn't know a single thing about it. The cheerleader smirked and then turned to the front. Rose thought she was victorious but the she turned back. This time, with an Ipad in her hands. She lifted it, showed them the shocking news.

                                                Prince Seth Larston Future Bride?

Last Friday, a teenage girl was spotted in the castle compound and had been invited to a dinner with the Royal Family of Andorra. There had been several reports saying that Prince Seth would be getting married. Could she be the Prince's future bride? The name of the girl was still unknown but...

           Rose mouth fell open and couldn't believe on what she just read. She pushed away the Ipad, not willing to continue reading it. The worst thing was that there was a picture of her even though it didn't state her name. The picture was obviously her – a girl in red dress and white cardigan climbed out from the limo. Rose covered her mouth with her hand and gasped.

          "No! How'd they got the picture!" She snarled. The cheerleader's eyes widened. "So, its really you?" She said sarcastically. "OH MY GOD!" Her mouth fell open and she stood up from her seat, motioned to the middle of the bus. "Rose Humphrey is the future bride of Prince Seth!" She announced and the whole bus went silent.

           Everyone was staring at her; and had their phone, Ipad or even laptop with them. "Screw you facebook!" Rose cursed under her breath. The bus finally reached her school-much to her relief and she stormed out from it.

          "Wait!" She heard a voice stop her, when she was about to go out of the bus. "Can I have your autograph?" The bus driver asked, with a pen and a piece of paper in his hand. Rose shrugged, ignored him and hurried down from the bus.

          In school, it was even worse. Everyone stared at her just like did something real evil. The only thing that Rose could do was look down, wimbled with her thumb and continued walking - ignoring all the stares. Two boys suddenly blocked her way.

              She looked up at them - two dark brown haired men were blocking her - Prince Seth's friends. Rose knew who they were; Luke Van Woodsen - son of the owner of a big shipping company. Next to him, Alan Brooke - future owner of the Mclaren Mercedes car company. 

           Rose shut her eyes, scared that they might hurt her to get vengeance for Seth. "Please, I need to go to class," she pleaded. Luke circled around her, chewing the bubble gum. "So, you're the lucky girl, huh?" He started and stopped circling.

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