Nurse Daisy fisher

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I work as a nurse in district 13 and i truly love my job. I love healing and caring for people. And I'm honoured to have it as my job, however there is one patient here in district 13 that i nearly refuse to treat. His name is haymitch. I have seen people battling for their lives. Desperate to prolong their days. Yet he goes and drinks until he passes out without a care for whether he lives or dies. I am a compassionate person and i understand the troubles he has faced but sometimes i just want to shake him by the shoulders and put some life into him. Show him all there is to live for. What people would do to be able to be alive like him.

I grew up in district 4 and lived quite a wealthy lifestyle (compared to others). I lived with both my parents and my sister, Grace, who was nine years younger than me.

When my sister was twelve she was reaped for the Hunger games. I couldn't volunteer as i was twenty one at the time, i felt so helpless so trapped. I often think back to that moment but i know nothing could have prepared me for the moment her name was called. I still hear that awful woman chiming the words that i hated hearing "grace... Grace fisher" it did not help that the male tribute was an eighteen year old who looked at grace like she was a twig. Grace died in the games. My family could not cope my mother fell apart. She just wasn't herself. She practically died the day grace was reaped. Alcohol was the only thing to console her. She drank herself to death. Three years after my sisters death i buried my the space of three years my family literally halved in size my father struggled to cope but he tried. I know he was not happy and nither was i. In fact i find myself wondering if i was ever happy since Grace's death.


five years on I live in district 13 and so does my father. He is better than he was but i know he will never truly move on. I enjoy my life here however i think of both grace and mother every day, every bone in my body aches to see them again, to take back the past eight years... But i can't. I have to power through and make the most of the life i have!

I'm in the hospital, in room 24C, when Haymitch is wheeled in just after getting his stomach pumped. He is conscious but barely. I role my eyes. "well, well, well i see we meet again, miss...?" he squints as he tries to read my name badge.

"Nurse fisher" i replied sharply. "get some rest, you've just had major surgery. Again."

Haymitch acted offended, "what's with the tone nurse fisher? I've just had surgery? I thought nurses were meant to be caring?"

"i am to people who deserve it now you're all pumped on drugs, you'll not remember the conversation so I'm just going to say it one more time- get some rest Mr Abernethy your body needs to heal."

He says nothing. I feel bad for how i treat him, and he does look actually upset by how i spoke to him but i just get so angry at those who don't value life! I would do anything for my sister and mum to be alive again and haymitch is just wasting his away. I hesitate before leaving, almost wanting to apologise, but i deside against it knowing he won't even remember tomorrow.

Just before i close the door i hear him say sadly under his breath, "I dont forget anything you say, Daisy" I only register what he says until after the door is closed. I would be lying if I said those words didn't intrigue me, and I often play with them in my head. 'I don't forget anything you say, Daisy.' What does it mean? Not to sound too childish but I wonder dose this mean he likes me? The word that sticks out every time I think about it is that he uses my first name daisy. Before he implied that he didn't remember it, and he's never cared to ask for my first name of course he was completely drugged up, and so I'm probably over thinking the whole thing! But I still wonder it's irrelevant anyway. It's been a while since I last had a boyfriend but there's no way Haymitch could fill that role. I know what I want and he's not it. Plus I couldn't live with someone who wastes a life like he does. And with alcohol too


"isn't there anything you could give me? Just a drop! The teeniest drop of anything! I need anything." Haymitch begs me.

"no stop asking me. There is no way in hell I am giving you any sort of drug." I reply, in my usual sharp tone.

I silently fill out a medical form, reporting his progress.

"you don't understand what it's like." He states, quietly.

That comment twigs my attention, my skin prickles with anger at what he's implying.

I ask, "understand what, what its like?"

"my situation he replies," propping himself up on the blue and white hospital bed, "you judge me, and make sharp replies and throw me harsh looks I live in hell, Nurse fisher. Simple as that. I've been through hell, and you dont care. All I ask is some release. You don't know what I've been through, or what I'm going through now."

I take a deep breath in and steady myself, so I dont let my anger get the best of me and say calmly and concisely; "true. I dont know what you've been through, or what's happening now. I do know you've been through a hell of a lot of trauma and encountered some awful, awful, nightmarish situations, and I genuinely care and feel for you about that. I understand your need for the drugs, but what you're doing isn't good it's suicide. Your killing yourself."

Haymitch steadies his breath before replying, "you've never been in the games. You dont know what it does to people. You don't know what the capitol does, so don't tell me I'm not strong enough."

"I didn't say you weren't! And excuse me mr Abernathy but I have been affected by the games. My sister, when she was just twelve, was murdered in the games, my family and I were forced to watch. Three years later my mother drank herself to death. Just like your doing dont tell me I dont understand. So listen when I say, I'm not giving you anything, because I dont want you to waste your life. There are so many people who die needlessly in the world we live in today, and I'm not about to let you kill yourself when so many people out there would give anything to be alive and able right now" I then storm out of the room without looking back for fear I will start crying.

After that I avoid Haymitch, getting other nurses to take over my shifts with him. I feel like a coward but the thought of seeing him makes me feel sick. Although I stand by my point, I know I was a tad harsher than required. And I feel childish for storming out. But more than that I feel sick that o told him about my family. No one here knows about that. It's a part of my past that I try and not revisit, but I bought it out in an attempt to win an argument with a sick, traumatized man! I need to try and see him one last time.

I knock on the door...

"Haymitch are you in there?" I ask

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2018 ⏰

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