The Lost Soul

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It wasn't Nic's fault that they had no friends. Well, perhaps it was, but they didn't do it on purpose; they were simply a little strange, and for that people hated them. When they were young, they used to make friends due to how different they were, but times changed. People grew up; they became judgemental, and subsequently found other, more normal groups. Of course, the other children weren't the only ones who changed. Gradually, Nic began to transform too. It was subtle, not something you would be able to point out; a shortening of hair to a long brown fringe, eventually dyed purple at the bottoms. A change in clothes, from pink tees to purple, long-sleeved sweaters, and eventually black band shirts. A change in music from the modern pop to darker songs such as My Chemical Romance. Nobody noticed because nobody cared. After a while, Nic shut themselves off from humanity, staunchly denying even the sprouts of hope for a friendship. They kept quiet, kept their head down, and slowly seemed to fade from existence, until, one day, they... did. They became so forgotten that they simply became invisible. With this, of course, came new changes to them. A small golden ring slowly appeared above their head. They lost sense of what gender they were, often switching between different ones on a whim. When they looked in the mirror, they found large yellow eyes looking back at them. Their once-blue eyes had turned a luminescent gold, glowing in the dim light of their room. One day, Nic woke up to find wings attached to their shoulder blades, nearly translucent, but with a smoky appearance to them. They were a deep red; the color of blood which Nic hardly noticed didn't run in their veins anymore. The last of their humanity had been taken from them, but perhaps it was not such a bad thing. After all, they had very little to look forward to about being human in the first place. Nic found they could go nearly everywhere with the help of their wings, and it was the best feeling ever, being free. Of course it was a bit lonely, but they were happier than they'd been in a long time. The days were long, though, and soon Nic wished they had something to do. That was when they got the summons. One moment, they were flying high over the buildings of the city, and the next they found themselves standing in front of a silver-haired man. When Nic asked who he was, the man simply smiled and said, "My friend, I have something to ask of you. It is very important and would be much appreciated if you would agree to this, but I fully understand if you would rather opt out. You have lost your way as a human, leaving only your soul remaining, but you are not alone. Others have lost their way as well. These beings watch over the other souls, the ones still on the material earth. I would like to ask you to do the same, should you be obliged. Do you accept my offer?" Having nothing to do but wander aimlessly otherwise, Nic gladly became one of these watchers. Once they agreed to help, they met the few other watchers and set out on their way to help those who had shunned them. Nic held no grudges, and it appeared that the others didn't either. Perhaps they had lost a part of their original selves, but the remainder made them who they are now; a perpetually angsty teen, a complete pain in the butt with anger management issues, a loner with no close friends, but most importantly, an unsung hero who has saved the lives of many people for no reason other than the goodness of their heart and the task they had been offered.



That's my alter-ego's origin. I hope you liked it, even though it took a bit of a religious spin there towards the end. That's a little weird considering I'm not religious, but I guess it's just from watching too much Supernatural xD. Anyway, thanks for this super fun little writing project!

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