Umm.... just a person who really likes traditional fantasy (medieval) and ships Phan and Johnlock <3. Anyways. As for bands... FoB, MCR, P!ATD, Imagine Dragons, OneRepublic, TØP, and GREEN DAY! Perhaps someday I will post something worthwhile. I also really like cats. Okay, that's all. I'll stop rambling now.
  • 221B, London
  • RegistriertMay 3, 2017

Geschichten von Nikki
The Tome of Trash (Mostly Johnlock Oneshots) von FanficsAndFantasy
The Tome of Trash (Mostly Johnlock...
Just some really subpar oneshots of my more favored ships. It'll be sporadically updated, probably not for mo...
Archangel/Tags von FanficsAndFantasy
hey Rinny; here's the origin story for my character.
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