Lost in the Snow (Kate's Story)

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It's 3am and I still can't sleep. Actually, I haven't been able to relax at all since we got back from our camping trip. My mom keeps telling me that I'm still in shock from everything that happened, but I disagree. Don't get me wrong, I gag every time I think about seeing Jake's body, and the thought that Ani could have suffered the same horrible end makes me want to break down in tears. But, that isn't what's keeping me up. Before I get ahead of myself, let me start from the beginning. Maybe you'll be able to see what I mean.

"You're sure you have everything?" my dad asked as he helped stuff the last of my bags in the car, being careful not to drop anything in the snow.

"For the one hundredth time, yes" I answered, slightly irritated. My mom reached into her coat pocket and pulled out the car keys.

"We're just worried, Kate" she said handing me the keys, "camping during the winter is a whole lot different than spring or summer."

"Mom, It'll be fine. We've all done our research and are beyond prepared." My mom smiled and gave me a hug.

"Just use good judgement and always make sure your phone is charged" my dad instructed "you remembered your portable charger right?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes dad, I got it. Along with five back ups just incase"

"That's my girl!" he chuckled.

After going over my checklist one final time, I said goodbye and drove off.

I started going camping with some friends from my high school back in ninth grade. Our group consisted of the nature loving power couple, Steven and Margaret, myself, and our friend Jake. Up until now, we had only gone on short weekend trips at nearby campgrounds. Steven and Margaret were the ones who planned everything down to the very last detail. Actually, they were the ones who started the whole camping thing to begin with. I was pretty stoked when they first had the idea, but lost some interest when they told me Jake would be joining us. I didn't necessarily hate the guy, after all he was always nice to me and my friends, but it was the way he acted around other girls that just rubbed me the wrong way. I would see how he treated girls in the halls at school, barely showing any interest in what they were saying yet somehow manipulating them into wanting to go out with him, and it just made me uneasy. After going on a couple of trips with the guy, I have to say I got used to him. Then again, it was always just him.

Jake had been dating Ani for a couple of months. The two seemed inseparable, but I wasn't entirely sold on their relationship. Ani was a sweetheart and Jake always seemed to treat her poorly. She would watch as he flirted with other girls at school and never seemed to mind when he flaked on her. Margaret and I both noticed this after a while and tried to talk to her to see if she was actually happy. Of course, she would always tell us she was fine and thank us for being great friends. Needless to say, it was clear that something was up, but we didn't want to pry. A couple of weeks before winter break, Jake asked Ani if she wanted to come on our winter camping trip. When Ani said yes, Jake seemed genuinely excited. We thought that maybe this was a sign that their relationship was finally headed in the right direction.

We were all scheduled to meet at Steven's house at 7am that day. When I arrived, Margaret was already helping him load supplies into his 2008 Chevy Suburban. I parked my car on the street in front of his house.

"Morning guys!" I chirped. I closed the door to my car and opened the trunk. "Are you sure we'll have enough room?" I asked, quickly glancing at the back of the Suburban which was already pretty full.

"Of course!" answered Steven "she's never let me down." Margaret walked over to help be unload my car.

"Yea, it should be fine" she said "besides, I doubt Ani and Jake will bring that much. You know he always under packs." We both giggled and started loading my supplies into the car.

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