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Ed and Lorraine Warren arrived at the apartment and the case begins.

"Ok girls, I’d like to hear the whole story, Who here can tell me?"

"I can"

said Donna.

"All right, Lou, Angie, please add any details she leaves out,"

Ed directed.

"There are two stories,"

Donna said.

" One that began earlier in the week with Lou. The other one’s about Annabelle. But I suppose they’re both about Annabelle."

"Who’s Annabelle?"

Ed promptly asked.

"She belongs to Donna, she moves, she acts alive, but no, I don’t think she’s alive. She’s in the living room" said Angie, pointing across the table. There, sitting on the sofa."

Lorraine looked to her left, into the living room.

"Are you talking about the doll?"

"That’s right,"

Angie replied,

"the big raggedy Ann doll. "That’s Annabelle, she moves!"

Ed got up and walked into the living room to inspect the doll. It was big and heavy, the size of a four-year-old child, sitting with its legs stretched out on the sofa. The black pupil-less eyes stared back at him, while the painted-on smile gave the doll an expression of grim irony. Looking it over without touching the thing, Ed then returned to the kitchen.

"Where did the doll come from?"

Ed asked Donna.

"It was a gift"

Donna replied, 

"My mother gave it to me on my last birthday."

"Is there some reason why she bought you a doll?"

Ed wanted to know.

"No. It was just something novel-a decoration"

the young nurse answered.


Ed went on.

"When did you first start noticing activity occur?"

"About a year ago,"

replied Donna.

"The doll started to move around the apartment by itself. I don’t mean it got up and walked around, or any such thing. I mean when we’d come home from work it would never be quite where we left it."

"Explain that part to me a little more"

Ed requested.

"After I got the doll for my birthday,"

Donna explained,

"I put it on my bed each morning after the bed was made. The arms would be off to its sides and its legs would be straight out-just like it’s sitting there now. But when we’d come home at night, the arms and legs would be positioned in different gestures. For instance, its legs would be crossed at the ankles, or its arms would be folded in its lap. After a week or so, this made us suspicious. So to test it, I purposely crossed its arms and legs in the morning to see if it really was moving. And sure enough, every night when we’d come back home, the arms and legs would be uncrossed and the thing would be sitting there in any of a dozen different postures."

"Yeah, but it did more than that,"

Angie added.

"The doll also changed rooms by itself. We came home one night and the Annabelle doll was sitting in a chair by the front door. It was kneeling! The funny thing about it was, when we tried to make the doll kneel, it’d just fall over. It couldn’t kneel. Other times we’d find it sitting on the sofa, although when we left the apartment in the morning it’d be in Donna’s room with the door closed!"

"Anything else?"

Lorraine asked.


said Donna.

"It would leave us little notes and messages. The handwriting looked to be that of a small child."

"What’d the note say?"

questioned Ed.

"It would say things that meant nothing to us,"

Donna answered.

"Things would be written like HELP US or HELP LOU, but Lou wasn’t in any kind of jeopardy at the time. And who us was-we didn’t know. Still, the thing that was weird was that the notes would be written in pencil, but when we tried to find one, there was not one pencil in the apartment! And the paper it wrote on was parchment. I tore the apartment apart, looking for parchment paper, but again neither of us had any such thing.’’

" It sounds like someone had a key to your apartment and was playing a sick joke on you,"

Ed stated flatly.

"That’s exactly what we thought,"

said Donna.

"So we did little things like put marks on the windows and doors or arrange the rugs so that anyone who came in here would leave a trace that we could see. But never once did it turn out that there was a real outside intruder."

- Original interview between Donna & Ed Warren


                                                        *THE STORY BEGUN*

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