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(Alissa Jordyn Mitchell)

I brushed off the non-existent dirt off my outfit as I hesitated to knock on the door. The principal wasn't present so the staff directed me to this room. I looked at myself through the reflection from the window. I took a lot of time picking out this outfit: a big black hoodie that had two white lines on the sleeves and a lightning logo on the right corner of my chest, a pair of black distressed jeans and a pair of galaxy Jordans. I had big hoop earings on and had my hair tied up in a bun, my fringe hanging on the side of my face. I also wore three golden rings, a brown leather watch and my lucky charm, a necklace Dad gave me before he left...

It's a long story.

knock knock

"You may come in," a voice rings in my ears. I nervously push up my thin frame glasses up and open the door.

"Hi...um...I'm a new student," I caught my voice and smiled politely at the lady in front of me.

"Oh, you should be Miss..."

"Jaedyn Skylar Grace, Mrs..." I peered over her desk, "Martin." She smiles and then explains to me my schedule and the people that will guide me through this school.

"Well then, Miss Grace, welcome to Beacon Hills High!"


"Auburn hair, auburn---there!" I thought as I walked over to the auburn-headed girl. She was busy talking to her friends about something so I tapped her shoulder lightly. She flips her head towards me and raises her eyebrow.

"Yes? Do I know you?"

"Lydia Martin, right?"


"Well, I'm new here and your mother was talking about how you are in my class." Her eyes lights up excitedly and interrupts her friends' discussion. "Guys, this is the new girl!" They simultaneously turn to me and smile (It's creepy yet so satisfying, I seriously don't know why. Maybe I've OCD, haha, I'm so weird. Let's just proceed.) Their stares creeps the hell out of me, making me slightly nervous.

"Hi, I'm the new girl, well obviously, I'm a new face to you. My name's Jaedyn Skylar Grace. By the way, its not how you think its spelled. I'm guessing," I point to the four on my right, "you are older than me by a year," I point to my left, "and I'm in your batch."

"How do you spell it?" The awkward, dorky-looking guy asks.

"Jaedyn is spelled J-A-E-D-Y-N and Skylar is spelled S-K-Y-L-A-R." He nods his head.

"She's is joining the three of us for History, Chemistry and English. Apparently, this girl is smart," Lydia says to the four on my left. The girl with the short hair interrupts the awkward silence that was lingering between us.

"I'm Malia. Malia Tate."

"I'm Scott Mccall," the guy with the sharp jaw says.

"I'm Stiles Stilinski," the dorky guys grins. I frowned in confusion as I remember what I saw in my class' attendance list when Mrs Martins showed it to me.

"That's a nickname, right?"

"How...how did you know?"

"You just look really familiar, plus I did know a Stilinski. Wait...did I? I can't remember. Anyway, its Mieczysław Stilinski, right?" Everyone stares at me and looks back and forth Stiles and I.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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