Blood Red (1)

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* hey guys! so this is my second story. Don't worry, I will never give up on Angel Academy! I just had this idea come to me and had to write it down. I really hope you like it as much as my other story! This title is still a work in process, I'm still not quite sure what to name this. What do you guys think the title should be??? It's a vampire story by the way. Cliche, I know. You guys are probably thinking "OMG! I thought you were cool! Not ANOTHER vampire story!" Well I promise, this won't be the same crap you see everywhere here (at least I hope it won't be). Take care and please share your opinions - Brynne *

A sickening feeling of fear ran through me as I could see headlights approaching from behind me. My small, pale legs tried to run even faster agaist the filthy street. Gasping for air, I stopped, clutching my stomach and turned towards the car that pulled up next to me.

My eyes grew to the size of saucers. It was a black, shiny car that was the most expensive looking thing I've ever seen. All the gangs in this city would have murdered for this car. I was so scared. Was this person going to kidnap me? Murder me?

I kept breathing heavily, too sleep deprived and hungry to run any more.

They rolled down their window and stared at me. My heart clenched when I saw a man.

He stared at me with wide eyes. I couldn't blame him. A tiny, pale skinned girl with dark brown tangled and dirty hair. But my eyes were the thing that made everyone stop and stare.

People say they remind them of blood, or of a rose. That's why they started calling me Scarlett. No one knew my name, not even myself. I was a loner, wandering aimlessly with no where to go, no one to see. I had no idea what to do with my life. I just lived it with fear.

You would think I would try to make some money from my eyes. Join a circus or something. But I didn't like them. People avoided me. When I first saw them, even I was scared. Shining bright red. It really did remind me of blood, just like they say.

The man opened his mouth. He had pale skin like me and was tall, looking to be around thirty five years old. Jet black hair parted in the middle that almost reached his black square glasses. Behind those glasses were deep midnight blue eyes.

He got out of his car and extended his hand. I jumped back in fear. What was I supposed to do with it?

"You shake it," he said to me. His voice was low but somewhat comforting. I stared at my hand, then raised it to his. He clasped it and started moving it up and down. I stared into his eyes. They held pity.

"Are you alone?" he asked softly. I knew what he meant. He wanted to know if I had any family. I shook my head, making him frown slightly.

"How old are you?" he asked with wonder. I thought deeply and counted with my fingers.

"Seven," I whispered up at him. I didn't know if this was accurate, but it was my best guess. He nodded at me.

"A seven year old girl shouldn't be running in the streets at midnight. Come with me. I live up this hill at the end of the street, in that big house. Trust me," he soothed, gesturing to his car. I started to slightly shake with nerves. This man seemed... kind. But, I can't trust any adults, especially men. They just hurt people.

But something deep inside me pressured me to go with him. I knew he was right; a girl like me wouldn't last much longer. My stomach growled with agreement. I suddenly felt embarrased to be standing infront of this wealthy man in a suit with his big shiny car. My clothes were stained and dirty, my hair a complete mess. I didn't want to live like this anymore.

I nodded to him awkardly and followed him to his car. This is a bad idea. He could seriously hurt me. I've seen things happen in this city; screams and gun shots in the middle of the night, cars speeding away, sirens blasting every day. I hated this god forsaken place. It was hell. I don't know what's making me go with this man though.

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