*First day of college* Tessa's POV-" I am so excited since it is the first day of school.But I have one problem,I heard that Jake Paul,aka the bully,has also the same school as I have.But anyways I have my Best friend Erika."So I started to get ready for school. *Tessa's outfit*
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Jake's POV-"It is so annoying the fact that school is starting again."he said in a duh tone. *Jake's outfit*
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*skip going to school*
Tessa's POV-So I walked in school and I saw Jake staring at me and walking towards me.But I just decided to ignore him because I went to Erika.I was so happy because I am with my BFF Erika.When I saw Erika I was so happy that I hugged her so tight.I was getting my books from the locker and Jake came up to me.
Jake's POV-I saw Tessa enter the school and see me.So I decided to mess with her.I went up to her and said"Hey Loser" and I pushed her books off her arms and to the floor.
Tessa's POV-We were given our class schedules and I noticed all my classes are with Jake.
Jake's POV-So all my classes are the most boring subjects of all.Oh,and I have the same classes with her which means I can mess with her.
*Students go to their first class*
Tessa's POV-I sat in the third column and first seat.All seats were occupied except for the one behind me.And I know today will be the worst.Because I knew that Jake was going to sit at the back of me because he was the only one who wasn't there.
Jake's POV-I was obviously late for class.And I was excited because I get to mess with Tessa.
Teacher-"Ok,so you have a project and it has to be by pair."
Jake's POV-"I wish we could pick partners."
Tessa's POV-"I wish we could pick partners."
Author's note:Hey 😘guys this is my first book I have ever written.So if you have comments and suggestions please write it in the comment section.😁