Chapter One

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*Three Years Before.*

"Cyndy! Take a shot!" Drayvan yelled at me.

I looked at my friend Courtney and she nodded her head.

I laughed and down the shot Drayvan handed me.

Damn did I love hanging out with Davey Suicide and his band. I'd always had a thing for Drayvan but he was in serious relationship with his girl back home, so I didn't dare bother it.

"Cyndy, have you met the other band were touring with?" Davey asked me walking in the room with a few guys I had never seen behind him.

I shook my head no.

"This is the Defiled. Stitch, Needles, Aaron, Vincent, and Alex." Davey said pointing to each other them.

Drayvan jumped up and wrapped one arm around the guy named Alex, "This is my drinkning buddy."

I looked at the two of them and the resemled each other just a little bit.

"Nice to meet you." The Stitch guy said shaking my hand.

He had a british accent.

"British basced Metel band?" I asked looking at him.

He laughed and nodded his head, "Orginally. Yes, but I moved to the States recently."

I nodded my head and looked back at the Alex dude talking to Drayvan.

Courtney nudged me, "Talk to him."

I shook my head no.

"Drayvan!" Courteny yelled.

Drayvan and Alex both looked at us.

Courtney motioned Drayvan to come over to us.

"Yes ladies?" Drayvan said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my Fireball.

"Shes finds him atteratcive." Courteny said pointing to Alex.

Drayvan looked at him then me with a smirk, "Get drunk. Im hooking you up."

My eyes got wide, "Drayvan!"

A few people looked at me.

Alex walked over and  propped his arm on Drayvan's shoulder, "Now, whos yelling at my drinking buddy and why?"

I felt my face get red.

Drayvan smiled and pushed Alex into, "Get use to each other."

Alex smiled and looked down at me as I covered my face in my hands.

Courtney smiled as well.

"Come Courtney, Let me introduce you to everyone else." Drayvan said snatching her arm.

"What? I already know everyone else in the room." Courtney looked at him clueless.

Drayvan glared at her and yanked her away.

"So Fireball?" Alex smiled looking at what I had in my hand.

I smiled and chugged what was left.

"Damn! Take it easy." He laughed, "Not nerves are you?"

I shook my head no and looked at the empty bottle, "Not anymore."

"Ever try Jager?" He asked we walked over to a couch.

I shook my head no.

He handed me a bottle he had in his hand as we sat down.

I took it and sipped it, "Sweet. I like it."

He smiled, "In a way, we just kissed."

I looked at him funny as he took a sipp of the Jager.

"You drank after me, same thing." He said shugging his shoulders.

I shook my head.

He nodded his head, "Wanna bet?"

I gave him a funny look again.

He smirked and grabbed my face, then kissed me.

"Wow." I said shocked.

He laughed, "Wanna go somewhere away from everyone and everything?"

"And do what?" I asked with a smirk.

He winked at me, "Anything you want and so much more."

I laughed as he stood up and held out his hand.

I grabbed it as he pulled me up.

As we started for the door, I saw Mikey standind next to it with a bottle of Jack that was half empty in his hand. I snatched it from him and was pulled out the door by Alex and up to a bedroom upstairs as I finished off the rest of that Jack.

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