Day 19: Most Surprising Twist in the Game?

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here are my top 10 shocking moments for me at least

10 Nagito goes crazy-Now this is the reason why I don't like him he is just crazy 

9 Nekomaru becomes Mechamaru-... Wow I didn't see that coming

8 Mikan goes into despair- SO YOU'LL FORGIVE RIGHT?!?!?!?!??!

7  Toko split personality revealed- WOAH that scared me the first time and proved a shocking twist for me

6 All 5 of the warriors of hope backstorys-An alcholic father, A mother who nevered loved her son, A mother who sells her daughter to have(I am not gonna say it but instead say) Gentle to get acting roles, Parents who use their son as an experiment, and a father who hates his own daughter. ... Holy cow I feel sorry for all the kids exept for Monaca of course.

5 Korekiyo and his sister and their relationship- WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU

4 Monaca's way of persuading Nagisa to go with her plan- YOU INCOMPETENT PIECE OF SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII(I spent a few hours raging about this and Monaca so I just cut it out including the t).

3 Chiro was actually a boy- ... w-w-what? How? This doesnt make sense.

2 Kaede is the killer of chaper 1 - The entire time when it was revealed Kaede was the killer I keeped on thinking this was part of their plan to find the real killer but it was true and made me sad at the end of chapter 1

1 All of the V3 cast pesonality and talents were fake - Wow just wow I am just shocked by this one when I first heard them talk about it

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