Chapter 12

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Sierra's POV

I saw lynzie run inside the house and up to her room and i was wondering why so i went up to her room but the door was locked so the only option was to find out what hppened from the person who probably caused it, because when Lynzie gets upset she closes up and wont talk to really anyone.

i walked downstaris and went out to Noah and Sam, they were talking but i interupted i said noah what the f*** did you do to my sister, he told me how he said she could put his sweatshirt on and stuff and what happened i had to explain to him why heres what i said " you f***ing idiot she is self concious for years she has been she was probly afraid it would be really tight or she would stretch it out.

Noah's POV

i felt like such an idiot i remember she used to be bulimic but she got the help she needed and now is healthy. How could I be such a dumbass.

i told sierra i would fix this and she said i better so i went up to her room and went to open the door and she wasnt crying but when i walked in she was'nt there so she msut havebee n in her bathroom i tried to walk in but the door was locked i heard crying. luckily i kow how to pick a lock with alot of things i grabbed one of her bobby pins off her dresser and picked the lock wehn i walked in she was crying about something because i know it wasnt meshe  handed me her phone her ask was filled with negative things like your a fat whore, your a dumbass , stop trying to be pretty and alot more why are perople so f****ing rude to her she is so so so pretty and i deleted everything and then sat next to her. and she leaned into me and cryed i wiped her tears away and i told her that i never.......

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