6: Unexpected turn of events

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When Risa was finally outside on the soccer field with a soccer ball, she frowned. Sure, she had expected the purple haired giant to be disinterested in the game but she hadn't anticipated he would plop down in the grass eating the candy. 

"Come on Murasakibara, I need you to kick the ball to me," She said, placing the ball on her hip. 

"Hn..I don't wanna." 

It took  all her strength not to throw the ball at his head. Risa had a short temper, and that didn't make dealing with him any easier. She couldn't help herself from thinking of him as  a child, one who was lazy and hard to handle. Yet As soon as the child comparison hit her brain, Risa suddenly got an idea. 

"Well since you don't want to, I suppose I'll have to give the candy I was going to give you to someone else."

"Eh? I want it."

"You do? Then help me, that's what you agreed to." 

"But I don't wanna."

"All you have to do is kick the ball to me."

Murasakibara pouted and reluctantly stood up. Risa took this as a good sign and rolled the ball towards him before positioning herself in front of the soccer goal preparing to receive. Murasakibara gave the ball a light kick and Risa's expression melted into one of mild annoyance. The ball went a few feet in front of him and didn't even reach her. 

"Murasakibara, put some effort in it," She said restlessly. 

Seeing that Murasakibara made no effort to listen to her, Risa stomped towards the  ball and snatched it up. "You go stand at the goal, and I'll show you how I want you to kick!" 

She was beyond annoyed and felt as though it was her fault for enlisting the help of a basketball player in the first place. When she turned to find Murasakibara standing in the goal she plopped the ball down and kicked it as hard as she could, all the fury she had pent up inside of her releasing itself in the force of the ball. 

The ball was sent soaring and Risa had to pause and wonder whether that was really due to her. The ball was flying straight at Murasakibara and to Risa's amazement, he didn't seem fazed. With a single hand motion the ball was swept away from the net and sent bouncing off into the grass. 

"G-good job!" Risa said, her eyes flicking over to the ball a few feet away, "But you see how hard I kicked the ball? I want you to kick it like that!"

Murasakibara stepped away from the net and at first, Risa wondered if he was going to get the ball and finally become serious. But when he stopped in front of her and held out the empty bag all her hopes were dashed, "Out of Nerunerunerune," He said, shaking the bag as if more candy would pop out. 

That's it, Practice is over, she thought, disappointment flashing across her face. 

Murasakibara must have caught her look since he bent down and patted her head, "There, there. We'll get more Nerunerunerune."

Risa frowned and brushed away his hand. "It doesn't matter, looks like our practice is over. See you tomorrow Murasakibara." 

She walked over to the ball and scooped it up before collecting her things. Once she gathered her things Risa began walking off of the soccer court and heading to the front of the school where she would begin heading home. 

"Hey, Risa-chin wanna walk home together?" 

The comment was out of nowhere and Risa instantly froze. "H-huh?" She questioned, slowly turning her head to stare at him in confusion. 

"Wanna walk home together?" He repeated. 

"Uh, um s-sure..." Risa responded, a bit flustered. She had never walked home with someone before, much less a boy and was unsure of what to say. fortunately for her, she didn't have to say anything. 

The walk home was quiet. The only sounds that were heard was the rhythmic crunching sound. Since Risa had a habit of staring at the ground as she walked, she hadn't really paid attention to what was making the sound until she glanced up at Murasakibara. 

To her annoyance, a bag of chips was in his hands and she stopped and paused as her eyebrows twitched, all her school supplies dropping to the ground. 

Murasakibara continued walking until he took notice of her absence and glanced back at her. "What's wrong?"

"...You have snacks..." She muttered.

Murasakibara glanced at the bag in his hands and then frowned before turning his gaze to her. "Do I have to share?"

"...You have snacks..." She repeated, "and we could've practiced longer... WE COULD'VE PRACTICED LONGER!"

Without warning she began running, and running fast. 

"Give it to me!" She shouted, reaching for the bag. Due to her running, the jump she made was much higher than usual yet she was still too short  to reach the bag which Murasakibara had lifted into the air as high as he could. 

She had figured that if she stole the bag she could persuade the male to continue helping her with practice to get it back but her plan failed. In the end, everything came back to her being too short. As she continued to  jump trying to reach the bag of chips she slowly realized that there was no possible way she was going to become a goalie. 

She hadn't realized  tears were falling down her face until the bag of chips were finally within her grasp and her head was being patted. 

"Don't cry Risa-chin, i'm sorry. I'll share with you."

"I-it's fine--I'm fine," She muttered, wiping away her tears and hating herself for crying. When she looked at Murasakibara she could tell that he was slightly bothered by the sight of her crying and continued to pat her head. "Don't cry anymore." 

"Okay," she mumbled, her gaze flickering to the chips in her hand, "Here, I don't want them."

Risa held the chips out for Murasakibara to take, which he did. Once the chips were in his hands, Risa went to gather her things from off the ground and sighed before returning to Murasakibara's side. 

"My home is that way so I'll see you again later," She said. 

"Hm, okay. See you tomorrow," He responded, patting her head once again.

"kay," She grumbled, smacking his hand away and turning to head home. Risa walked on, wondering if he would follow after her. Sneaking a glance back she was disappointed to see that he was walking in the other direction. With a heavy sigh, she turned forward and continued walking. 

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