Chapter 2

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"The uber is going too be her in exactly 6 minutes, are you sure you have everything?" Charlie asks while we stand near the door.

"Yes." I say.

"You're sure? You have your ID? Your wallet? Your keys?" She asks. I'm known too forget at least one thing every time we go out and Charlie knows me well enough too make sure too ask now.

"Yes yes yes I have everything." I say dryly looking down at my phone scrolling through Instagram. I continue too scroll while we wait, when I come across a picture that makes my heart sink. I can't believe he's still with her.

"You okay Kate?" Charlie asks, and when I don't reply she grabs the phone right out of my hand, "that motherfucker. He's got some nerve being with her after everything that happened. I swear boys are faker than girls." She says clearly really mad.

"It's my fault, I don't know why I still follow them. It's like I'm asking too get hurt." I say. Not even the strong buzz I have going right now can make me feel better about seeing a picture of my ex and his whore.

"Well I just blocked both of them for you, so problem solved. Don't let this ruin your night again." She hands me back my phone and I thank her, even though I'm kind of mad she did it. I have a serious problem where I creep them both a few times a day hoping they ended things. I guess I'll never know now.

"The uber is 3 minutes away." Charlie updates me.

"Oh shit I don't have my lipstick! Hold on I'll be one second I have too go find it!" I quickly take off my shoes and run down the hall into my bathroom.

"SEE I FUCKING KNEW IT! Heaven forbid we go anywhere without you forgetting something."

"I'm not that bad!" I yell back too her from inside the bathroom, " FOUND IT!!!"

"Halle-fuckin-lujah." Charlie mumbles under her breath and I roll my eyes. "The Uber's here!" She says when she gets the notification on her phone.

We walk out of my house into the crisp winter air, making our way down the driveway too the uber parked on the side of the road. We enter into the car and we are greeted by a man, who looked too be about 60 years old. Charlie sits in the front seat and I sit in the back.

"Hello ladies how're you doing on this fine night?" The man asks. He has a head full of white hair and little reading glasses. He kind of reminds me of my grandpa.

"We're doing good, how has your night been?" Charlie asks.

"Well it's been very busy, which is good because it's going by fast, and I just want to go home and see my wife." The man says. During the 10 minute drive we had a lovely conversation with our uber driver, who we learned was named Earl. Earl has been married for 40 years too his wife and they have 3 kids and 7 grandchildren.

"It was lovely meeting you ladies. I hope you have a good night now." He says as we walk out of the cab. We thank him and wish him a good night.

"What a nice guy." Charlie says as we walk across the street to get in line for the bar.

"Do you think it's possible too find someone in this generation and be married for 40 years?" I ask. I have relationship issues. That's easy too see, and it stems from my parents. They never had a happy or healthy marriage and i believe that at some point during my childhood they fucked me up and that's why I can't be happy. I've been through multiple guys and none of them worked out. Not even my last relationship, that also happen too be my longest. I thought he was the one, and boy was I fucking wrong.

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