The good, The bad, and The blind

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The Good, The Bad, and The Blind

Cosette is the girl everyone wants to be, the girl your parents wish you were. She was like a living metaphor for happiness, there is never a day she doesn't smile, straight A's and honor roll since she can remember. At the young age of 16 she started college full time and is now in her third year at the age of 19, she chose to go to a small college to stay close to home. She is the angel that came to ride this world of sin, metaphorically. Everyone saw her as a saint, The good.

Ace is the guy we look out for at night, the one we hide away when we hear his name, yet he's like you and me, human. An 8-year-old boy locked away after being found in a pool of his parent's blood, a gun in hand and two bullets missing. Found lodged inside his parent's cranium, and guilt was bleeding off of his sad eyes. He was ruthless and evil, corrupt from the womb and born to spread hate is what people said about him. He was put in an asylum, and at the age of 18 was released. He was put on watch for two years and now at age 20 is free to live his life. He attends a community college and speaks to no one, no one wants to be friend a monster. He has tattoos running up his left arm, hiding unknown scares, and he gave off an unsettling feeling to anyone around him. His piercing blue eyes scare away anyone who tries to come close. He has a record of fights, theft, it all from the years he was on watch, and yet he doesn't go back to the white walls he watched day by day for 10 years. The town saw him as a monster, The bad.

This world is filtered to only see what they want to see, to hear what they want to hear, and to do what they want to do. People will only listen to what makes them seem right or better, ignorance is bliss within these people. People live in a world they have no interest learning about, and when proven wrong the fight it and use their own opinion to make them seem right. They are seen as humans, The blind.

Ace walks the empty halls, running his hand on the walls and looking around, footsteps creep up behind him and he stops. When he turns and sees a young girl, dark brown eyes and light brown hair. Her eyes made him think of a doll, big and bright. She was so full of life, unlike everyone else wondering like mindless zombies. "o-oh hello, I am Cosette it's my first day here i just transferred from the new college program, can you help me" she says in a soft voice, what about this girl isn't alluring. "Get someone else to help you" Ace's gruff voice cuts her off mid babble "um sir, you are the only one in the halls, and everyone seems very intimidating" Ace scruffs. Little does she know she's talking to a murderer "listen angel, you don't want to be caught around me, its best if you just run off" Ace pulls her by her bags straps and pushes her to the floor "you don't need to be so rude, i just needed some help" she stands up and is pushed into the lockers "listen you little brat, in these halls I say what goes, you stay away from me okay" he pushes into her and pins her to the locker. Her eyes go big and glaze over with tears "please whatever you want I'll do just don't hurt me" she says in a whisper "anything but this" his eyes widen as he drops her and backs away, 'did she think i was going to... no' Ace thought of as he turned and walked off to the closest bathroom. Cosette sat on the floor and cried out of fear and waited there for the next hour to go by. With that she drove home and away from the hellish school.

Ace opened the door to his one room apartment and threw his stuff on the floor, he dropped down on the couch and sighed, another soul to fear the beast of the town. He ran his hands through his dried-up hair that is mangled and a mess, its brown color growing lighter from the suns heat. One more year and this crap is over, he can get away from all these people he has desperately want to personally deal with. But for some odd reason he felt a pain in his chest, the first person who didn't see him as a monster and he scared away, nice going smart-ass.

Cosette entered her empty home, like usual, and walked up the stairs. She was a shut in all her life and never really focused on people for many reasons. Her eyes red from crying and her anxiety rising in her chest as the memories come back from her past, the reason why she left her home town i the first place. She ran her fingers over the scars that litter her stomach and walked up the stairs, once again she's seen as an innocent angel, what a surprise.

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