Fight For The Rights

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Dexter Pottinger.
The gay rights activist in Jamaica.
Murder in his house.
While he screamed for help, his neighbors stood by.
While he asked for help, no one would help.

Scout Shoultz.
A college student at Georgia Tech.
Who struggled with mental illnesses.
Openly gay, and intersex.
He killed himself.

The Pulse Night Club.
The worst LGBT hate crime in history.
28 dead, 54 injured.
Why would you do this?

James Maestas.
Jason Gage.
Kevin Aviance.
Ryan Keith Skipper.
Ruby Ordeñana.
Amanda Gonzalez-Ardujar.

All of these people!
They had families.
They had futures.
Who knows!
What if they or any of their other fallen brothers and sisters could have cured cancer!
Cured HIV, or AIDS.
Who knows!
I sure as he'll don't.

I'm terrified for my future.
I'm teriffied of going out into he world as me.
As a transgender, gay teenager.
Because I don't want to die!
I don't want to be another statistic.
I don't want to be a number.
I am so afraid for the future.

People like me, fight so hard to stop the future from destroying them.
I don't want a future where I won't be able to be me.
I don't want a future where I am ridiculed, tormented.
Like I am now.

My boyfriend broke up with me because I'm transgender.
He told me he would stay in the relationship,
And the instant I told him, he broke up with me.
It hurts.
It hurts so much.

I'm tired of being me.
I'm tired of hiding who I truly am.
I'm tired!

I think I have some sort of complex.
I'm so sure that I can change the world,
That it effects me mentally and physically.

Transgender people are still people.
Transgender people are 3 times more as likely to be murder.
To be raped.
To be attacked.

Stop this.
Stop this!
I need your help.
Help me save the world.
Help me change everything.
Help me, help the future.

We can do this together.
Stop the statistics.
Stop the attacks.

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