Chapter II

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The sun shone through my semi opened curtains which I had forgotten to close the night before. A loud yawn escaped my mouth as I sat up and stretched. I had gotten a considerable amount of sleep but it felt as though the more sleep I got the more tired I was bound to be when I woke up.

It was freezing in my house this morning, even more so than it usually was. Considering the fact that I wore nothing but my boxers to sleep it was surprising that I almost never got sick. My hands found their way to my mangled and messy hair, fiddling through the knots and tangles caused by my wild slumber habits.

I turned to the edge of my bed and let my feet dangle over.

Usually I was up before sunrise to go about my typical routine, but now that I had officially graduated from the academy and I no longer had to be to school at a fixed time I decided to sleep in. After all, I didn't have to be there to meet my newly formed team and sensei until around noon.

I finally drug myself out of bed and into the hallway. My feet became more cool with each step I took on the cold wooden floors.

'I'm starving.' I thought. Remembering that I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon when I took Kyoka out while searching for her home.

I finally arrived in the kitchen. My clothes still lay about from when I got home yesterday and tossed them off in no particular direction. I planned on picking them up but I guess that I had forgotten.

I made my way to the fridge. Grasping the white handle I pulled it open and scanned the fridge for edible contents.

A white container caught my eye. It was leftovers from dinner two nights before. I popped the lid off the container revealing rice balls and dumplings. It looked good enough to eat.

I placed the container in the microwave and set it to 4 minutes.

I gathered the clothes that I had thrown around the kitchen and went to the bathroom. I put the clothes down on a rack turned my attention to the mirror.

There was a dried trail of drool from the corner of my mouth which made me flinch because I usually didn't drool.. Guess I was deep in a dream of some sort.

I quickly wiped away any trace of the disgusting dried fluid.

I scratched at my pale side before grabbing my brush from the medicine cabinet.

My hair was a tangled mess, which unlike the drool wasn't a surprise. I always had to brush my hair. Having long hair was a hassle, but I liked the way it looked. It seemed to fit me.

I brushed the tangles and knots and after a match of painful tugging I finally had straightened my hair. I made one tiny braid on the left hand side of my face and another on the right side, sliding the bands with my mother and fathers name on each one.

I turned the opaque knob which controlled the cold water before grabbing my toothbrush. I reached for the tube of toothpaste on the right side of the sink, squeezing out the last bit before tossing it in the trash.

I looked in the mirror as I cleaned my teeth, not forgetting to spit very 15 seconds or so. Before long my teeth were nice and white.

I tossed on my ninja gear, including my forehead protector and weapons pouch. I also put on the clothes that I had planned on washing but didn't accomplish.

'Finally, I can eat!'

I checked my appearance once more in the mirror, straightening my forehead protector, before walking out of the bathroom and towards the kitchen.

The microwave had already stopped, but that was no surprise.

I reached into the microwave grabbing my container of food, then sat on the floor in the dining room. I tapped my chopsticks together before proceeding to deliberately savor each rice ball and dumpling. The meal was so delicious it was impossible to tell that it wasn't even freshly made.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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