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Are you thinking about killing your self?
You get home from school and decided you have had enough. You write the note leave it next to your bed. You lay in your bed and slit your wrists. Your little brother comes to get you for dinner and thinks your asleep. He goes and tells your mom your asleep. She goes to wake you up. She finds the note and starts to cry and hold your lifeless body. Not long after your dad comes to see what's going on. He reads the note and drops next to your mom. Your little brother is still to young to understand what is going on. At the funeral everyone was there, your friends, your best friend, your teachers, and all your family. Everyone started crying except your best friend he/she kept it together. Your brother still didn't understand what's going on. When everyone else left she/he broke down crying. He/she knew how bad it was and still couldn't help, she blamed herself/himself. All your teachers quit there jobs they also blamed themself's. Your dad became an alcoholic he felt that was the only way to get over your death. Your mother fell into depression, she felt she should of seen it befor. Your brother is know old enough to understand want happend, he only wishes he could of got to known you because now he has no one to look up to. It may seem difficult but life WILL get better. You have people who love you don't let this be your story.

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