,,wherever you'll go"

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❝so lately,I've been wondering,who will be there to take my place?


It's been hours since the show was over and the bangtan boys arrived safe and happily at their dorm.

It was just jungkook who seems less happier than before.

It's been also hours since all of them went to get some sleep except jungkook,he remained silently sitting on the couch,trying to figure things out all by himself - lonely.

He felt that way ever since his last interaction with taehyung a week ago,when he told him he would need some space off.

As soon as he spoke it out,jungkook regretted every single word he has said that day.

And thats how he has spent his nights since then,lonely sitting on their couch and going through comments on their music videos from their fans armys.

"Vmin..so cute!"

"Their eyes speak louder than words ever could"

This was one of the many things that made jungkook shiver a little as he read thise and many more kind of comments,rewatching each of the scenes they had mentioned.

jungkook simply feared that,
There is actually someone who is able to take his place.

Someone who would love taehyung just as much as he dose.

He feared that soon enough they would sleep together in a bed like they used to,would creat their own handshakes then.

Jungkook fears that taehyung would be gone one day.

That one day he got someone new,whose his universe and jungkook would become that one small yet beautifully shining star that deserved better but it still decided to give everything up just so it can keep shining for the universe.

He quietly whipped these small tears on the corner of his eyes away,he wouldn't cry,at least not in the living room.

It's time to sleep anyway he thought as the clock got his attention and he realized it's already half past midnight.

As he tried to not make any loud sounds while tip-toing through the living room to his own,he heard a door being opened up just as he passed it.

He turned halfly around,taehyung stood there with a worried expression being plastered on his face,jungkook hated the fact that he was once again worried of him.

Jungkoo has been doing this for a week,being till half past midnight in their living room,lonely thinking and fearing and each time taehyung stepped outside of his romm looking at him with that expression.

As if he was longing for a answer from jungkook,but he always just smiles and kept on going to his own room.

Of course,jungkooo regretted saying those words on that day but his ego is another problem he dosent want to take on right now,no matter how much he missed the elder.

"Why do you do that?"taehyung asked looking even more tired before as he rubs his eyes,receiving a non verbal answer from jungkook.

His eyes spoke to taehyung,they always had that,they have always been able to connect with each other and sometimes there were no need for any kind of words.

Sometimes they just looked at each other and they had their communication.

Something the others never understood.

"I just can't sleep taehyung,go back to sleep.you deserve the rest"

"But you do too,don't do this anymore jungkooo,don't even try to tell me you just can't sleep when I'm well aware you can.well,you could when we slept in each others bed"

Jungkook nodded,remembering how good it felt when they slept together in one of their beds,how comfortable they both felt.

Taehyung signaled him to come to his room,saying it's bettervthat way since they both wouldn't even dare to play with the chance to awake suga from his sleep,they surely wouldn't dare.

Anything But that.

And so jungkook did as taehyung has told him,now they both stood there in taehyungs room,as a wave of uncomfortably silence took over them.

Taehyung was the first to speak up again,"you know that i'm always there with my arms wide open,waiting patiently for you to return home in my arms,in my bed",he smiled softly at the younger still thinking and wondering what was going on the last week with him.

Taehyung has been worried ever since jeon has told him he would need a little more space for himself,of course taehyung was up for that.taehyung loved him and he wouldn't ever want something that would make the younger feel uncomfortable.

So he backed off,gave him the space he claimed he didn't have and taehyung noticed lately how jungkook sleeps less and less,he even eats less than he did usually.

Jungkook on the other hand,didn't knew how to start and when to start,he was clueless how to bring his thoughts together right now.everything is a mess.

Jungkook felt a little more weight being placed on his right shoulder,as he turns his head a littke to the right he recognizes taehyungs blonde hair that was soflty stroking his neck.

"I'll go wherever you'll go,remember?",it was when jungkook remembered and felt alright again,maybe he never needed any space for himself but the confirmation that he was still in taehyungs heart and meant still a lot to him.

Jungkook chose to hug him in reward of remembering a promise they made soon After they debuted,a promised they never forgot and onto they will forever hold.

Alll his thoughts that drove jungkook crazy for a week,making him think such horrible things disappeared at the fact that he knows now,he will always be the one for taehuyung and it was for the elder just the same.

Jungkook fwkt good again possibly already knowing he will sleep good tonight again after a whole week.

After letting go of each other taehyung places his head softly on jungkooks as he whispers,"way up high or down low,I'll go wherever you'll go".

[wherever you'll go] + taekookWhere stories live. Discover now