Five: Snap

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"Kat," Leib's raised voice snapped me of whatever occupied my mind.

Geez, even I didn't know I was spacing out.

I peeled my eyes from the car's window and looked at my brother. He was still in the driver's seat, but he was peering at me behind his headrest.

"You look like you just woke up from a bad dream. We're here." He told me as he checked something on his phone.

I looked at him confused, was the car still moving? Why was it so silent? I scanned the confined space I was in, the trees weren't blurring pass us. It had only been-what-a minute since we left school and we're already home?

Leib unsnapped his seatbelt. "What's wrong? You have been staring at the window the entire ride, Kat."

I don't know what's wrong, it just felt like I time warped.

"I don't know." Silence swallowed my whispered answer.

My brother stayed silent, his green eyes bored into mine; demanding answers.

"The last thing I remembered was April asking if our school was scheduled for a fogging, and then you calling me, telling me that I spaced out." I rubbed my eyes, they seemed dry.

The stillness stretched between us, but when I moved to open the door to my side, Leib told me that I shouldn't get out yet.

"That's minutes ago, Kat. After April told us about the fogging you suddenly checked out. We tried to get your attention but it was like you were in a trance." He faced in front and I saw his hands moved to his face. "Something's happened to you there, little sis," He let his words hang, like the memory dangling within my reach that I couldn't seem to grasp.

"Leib, do you know what's a strain 121?" It was like my brain short-circuited and played my conversation with Les this morning.

Being the smart brother that he was, of course his answer was a "Yes,"

"Why do you want to know about it? Wasn't it discussed in your Biology class?" Our eyes met in the rearview mirror.

"No-I mean, yes-but this morning when I saw it in Les' notes, it just kinda got stuck in my head." Not kinda, I think it already took residence in my thoughts. Do I tell him about the flashes? No.

"There's more, Kat. Tell me."

Okay, then. Let's. "The flashes-memory flashes, I think-started getting more vivid. It was like the reoccurring dream," Chills started touching my nape and arms, so I hugged myself to keep me warm.

"What dream?" Leib got out of the car, so I did, too.

"Long story," I waved it off as we entered the house.

"Kat," he warned. "You told me you'd tell me if something was wrong."

"I know, I know. I'll tell you about it some other time. Just tell me something about that Strain 121."

My brother huffed and went to the kitchen. Mom and Dad weren't home yet, so maybe my long awaited turn to cook dinner would be of use tonight.

I dumped my bag on one of the couches and followed him.

Peach greeted me-peach walls with tulip prints-four years since it had been painted and it still made me feel like I was in another dimension whenever I step foot in the kitchen. Cardboard-brown cupboards and cabinets plus a white marble-textured island to complete the...strawberry-chocolate with marshmallows type of kitchen? My family loves happy, lively colors. Or my Mom does.

"What? Tell me." Was that word sort of a trigger? Was I badly traumatized that I didn't even had any idea that I was?

So many thoughts were running in my head as I rummaged for ingredients in the refrigerator. What if my brain was tweaked in some way? What if someone planted something in me? What if my brain was swapped with another person's?!

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