Chapter 5: The Boy Wonder

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Batman left for a few minutes and came back, Robin at his side. I saw Robin cross his arms. He was waiting for us to admit to something. What a smug little kid.

"Dick-" Robin's eyes widened at the mention of his name. "This is Kaira Wilson as you have been made aware of and this is Amelia Lionhart. They have been living in Wayne Manor for 2 years until about a month ago. They lived in secret. Only myself, Alfred and a few selected tutors know of their where abouts."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Dick looked hurt, almost jelous.

"It was in order to protect my identity. Don't blame Bruce. I didn't want anybody to know."

"I would have never told anybody!" He stated.

"But you might have hated her." Kaira stated.


"Because of her father. I will inform you of that later, Dick."

"Nothing your father did could make me hate you." Robin said.

"You will. My father is a monster." I spat.

I saw Robin sigh and then walk out of the room, anger written all over his face. He was mad that Batman didn't tell him about us and we knew about his secret identity. Batman was going to have a handful with Robin now. There was going to be some tension now between all of us. I just hoped that Robin would know exactly what was the right thing to do, and that was to keep my identity a secret from the team.

"He'll be fine, he just needs to process it." Kaira said.

"I hope he's okay. Batman is going to have a handful with him." I sighed.

"Are you okay with him knowing about your dad?"

"No, I'm not. But what Batman says goes."

"It's your life..." Kaira stated.

"That Batman doesn't want anybody to know about."

"He's trying to protect you." Kaira said softly.

"Yeah by hating me."

"He doesn't hate you." Kaira stated.

"And how would you know?"

"He told me. He doesn't want to get close to you because he doesn't want yout father to find you." Kaira smiled.

"Too late. My dad found me a month ago. However he is not looking for me. He wants me to go to him." I frowned.

"Why didn't you tell me!" She yelled.

"I didn't see the point. It's not really concerning you."

"Of course it does! Your my best friend! You in danger."

"As long as I don't return to Gotham I'll be fine."

"You don't think he'll come looking for you?"

"No, My dad isn't like that. He'll wait forever if he has to."

"Are you going to go? " Kaira asked, biting her lip in worry. 

"The next time I see my father, I'll kill him."

"You know you can't do that..."

"The hell I can't! That man tortured me until he got bored with me. He's evil! What kind of sick person injects their child with experimental chemicals! He deserves to die."

"I can't really relate to how you feel, but I know you can't kill him."

"If I cross his path, I will kill him. I promised myself that since I got away from him."

"Do you think he'll go after your adoptive family?" Kaira asked.

"Batman moved them away. They're safe."

"Alright. Are you ever going to tell the rest of them team about your past?"

"I want to keep it a secret for as long as possible."

"Even from Wally?" Kaira asked.

I sighed. "Even from Wally."

Kaira left my room after and I was left by myself with my own thoughts. I wish that I didn't have to hide, that I could just be me. I missed being able to go out in public and being able to do what I want. I mean it was a dream come true to have super powers, but I didn't think that it would cause so many problems. My room opened and I saw Robin walk in. I could feel anger radiating off of him.

"Show me." He said.

"What?" I was confused.

"Show me your face."

I sighed and pulled my hood off and let all of my hair fall out. It was dirty blonde and I had hazel eyes. I looked at Robin and I could see him studying my face.

"At least you don't look like your father."

"I inherited nothing from him." I growled at Robin.

"I can tell." He smiled. "You fight for the side of good."

"You don't hate me?"

"I hate the idea of him being your father. You are a good person."

"I'm not a good person. I just help people. That doesn't make me good."

"You seem like a good person to me."

"Talk to Kaira, I torture her on a daily basis."

"I've noticed. How did you two know each other?"

"We met the first year of high school, before we discovered our powers."

"Yeah. Your relationship kind of reminds me of my friendship with Wally."

"So you guys are best friends?"

"Yeah." He smiled.

"So does Wally talk about anyone on the team? Anyone in particular?" I asked.

"Well he does talk about Artemis quite a bit."

"Oh..." I frowned.

"But only about how much she annoys him."

"Oh. Alright." I smiled.

"Don't even try to hide it, Amelia. I know you like him."

I blushed. "Please don't tell him."

"I wouldn't. He likes you too. He just doesn't realize it yet. But I can tell by how much he talks about you."

"What does he say?"

"I'm not telling you. He's my best friend. You just don't go around sharing your best friends secrets." Dick smiled.

"Yeah, Amelia. What if I just went around sharing all of your secrets?" Kaira said from the door.

"Shut up Kaira!" I yelled, pouting.

"I can put in a good word for you. Though he really can't add anymore to that list he has that makes you sound like the most perfect girl on Earth."

I blushed and ran from the room, hating when people saw what I looked like when I was embaressed. I slipped my hood over my head and began walking around. I went to training with Martian Manhunter, Flash, Black Canary, and Aquaman. By the time it was over I was done. Wiped. I passed out in my room into a nightmare filled sleep.

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