Chapter one

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Angelique's three year old daughter, Rebecca playfully walked along the bridge above the lake. Even though her mother had warned her not to. Rebecca lost her balance and fell. Angelique dived in after her daughter.
Rebecca was at the bottom of the lake. Angelique swam to the bottom and grabbed her daughter's arm. Angelique worried for Rebecca. She pulled her daughter onto the shore of the lake. Angelique was completely soaked in water. But Rebecca wasn't moving, the girl suddenly jerked awake coughing up water. Angelique held her daughter close to her.
Back in the car, Angelique grabbed an extra sweatshirt to cover her daughter with to keep her as warm as possible. "Mommy, my throat hurts." Rebecca complained, starting to cry.
"It's okay sweetie. I know where we can go." Angelique sighed. "But I don't know if the people will let me." She muttered to herself.
The red car came to a complete stop at a red light. Angelique looked at her daughter in the back seat. She sighed, seeing her daughter in tears. Angelique rubbed her thumb on Rebecca's right temple. Rebecca grabbed her mother's hand, holding it closer to her head.
"I love you mommy." Rebecca smiled. Angelique sighed. "I love you too honey."
She held the wheel again and drove all the way to Collinswood, the house that belonged to the family of her daughter's father, Barnabas Collins. Angelique picked up her daughter and carried her to the doorstep. She knocked on the door, Barnabas opened it. His eyes angrily widened as he saw Angelique's face. "Why are you here?" Barnabas asked quickly. "It's not about you, it's your daughter. She's sick and Julia Hoffman is the only doctor I know of." Angelique sighed. "I don't have a..." Barnabas took a second to consider the situation. "I have a daughter?" He asked. "I never told you but yes." 
Rebecca started to cough again.  "Can we come in?" Angelique asked.
"No." Barnabas replied slamming the door. Angelique caught the door just as it was about to close. "You wouldn't let your own daughter die, now would you?" Angelique said through the small opening of the door.
Barnabas sighed. "Fine, but if you do anything to Victoria or anyone else, I will kill you." Barnabas stepped aside from the door. "Thank you."Angelique whispered. Liz was waiting at the top of the stairs. "What are you doing here?" She asked, her voice echoing through the house. "I'm sorry to bother all of you but, my daughter is sick and Julia is the only doctor I know." Angelique looked at Rebecca who was sleeping with her head on her mother's shoulder. "I told her she could come in, Elizabeth. If she doesn't hurt anyone." Barnabas explained. "Alright." Liz sighed.
Julia walked in. "Why the hell is she here?" Julia asked. "It's her daughter, Julia. She's sick." Liz replied.  Julia sighed. "Well okay. Just bring her downstairs." Julia started to walk towards the stairs, Angelique followed her. Once they reached Julia's office, Angelique put Rebecca in a bed down there. "So, can you tell me what happened?" Julia asked. "Well, my daughter Rebecca and I were by a lake, I had parked on a bridge and Rebecca was walking along the edge of the bridge, even when I warned her she could fall. Then of course, she fell. She was in the water for a while, she started complaining shortly after I pulled her out of the lake and got in the car, that her throat hurt. I felt her forehead and she felt very warm. I think she might have a fever." Angelique looked at the ground. "I guess, I'll check that first." Julia stood up and took a thermometer and asked Rebecca to hold it in her mouth until it beeped. The beeping sound didn't go off for a long time until suddenly it went off. Julia took it back and read it, she gasped at the sight that the thermometer read 107 degrees. "Oh my god." Julia showed Angelique the thermometer. Angelique started to panic. "How is she still alive?"   Angelique asked. She walked over to Rebecca and took the girl's small hand in her's. "I'm really cold." Rebecca whispered. Angelique took off her black jacket and wrapped Rebecca in it.  Victoria saw Angelique through the slightly opened door. "Angie?" She asked. That caused Angelique to turn around suddenly. "Why are you here?" She asked. "It's my daughter." Angelique sighed. "Is Barnabas her father?" Victoria asked. "Yes." Angelique's voice cracked slightly. "Well I was just outside with my son a while ago." Victoria smiled. She didn't realize that Angelique had tried to kill her before, Well  of course. The curse. Angelique kept her thoughts to herself. "I have to go now." Victoria waved as she walked away. "Bye." Angelique fake smiled to cover her anxiety. "Mama." Rebecca tried to speak. Angelique quickly walked over to her daughter, and held her hand. Julia grabbed a towel and wetted it with lukewarm water and placed it on Rebecca's head. "That should lower her fever." Julia put her hand on Angie's shoulder. "Thank you Julia." Angelique smiled. "That whole conflict with Barnabas, is it over?" Julia asked. "Yes. I'm only here because my daughter is sick, not because of Barnabas." Angelique started to get angry a little. "Alright. I was just asking." Julia replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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